Parallel simulation of high power semiconductor lasers
- Lichtner, Mark
- Spreemann, Martin
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 65Y05 37M05 37L65 35L45 35Q60 65M70 65M06
- parallel computation, numerical simulation of optoelectronic devices, laser dynamics, initial boundary value problem of hyperbolic type, comparison with experimental data
High power tapered semiconductor lasers are characterized by a huge amount of structural and geometrical design parameters and are subject to time-space instabilities like pulsations, self-focussing, filamentation and thermal lensing which yield restrictions to output power, beam quality and wavelength stability. Numerical simulations are an important tool for finding optimal design parameters, understanding the complicated dynamical behavior and for predicting new laser designs. We present fast dynamic high performance parallel simulation results based on traveling wave equations which are suitable for model calibration and parameter scanning of the long time dynamics in reasonable time. Simulation results are compared to experimental data.
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