WIAS Preprint No. 699, (2001)
Generalized necessary scaling condition and stability of chemical reactors with several educts
- Efendiev, Messoud A.
- Hebermehl, Georg
- Lasser, Rupert
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 35Q60 65F15 65N22
- Reaction-Diffusion equation, stability, chemical radical reactions
We present, for a class of industrially relevant chemical reactions with two educts the dependence of stability on important chemical parameters, such as coolant, dilution and diffusion rates. The main analytical tools are generalized upscaling balance condition for the equilibria concentrations and spectral properties of corresponding operators. Although we illustrate the stability analysis for a model reactor (2 educts, E1 and E2), it should be emphasized that our approach is applicable to more complex reaction mechanisms.
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