WIAS Preprint No. 2988, (2022)
Decoherence and turbulence sources in a long laser
- Roche, Amy
- Slepneva, Svetlana
- Kovalev, Anton
- Pimenov, Alexander
- Vladimirov, Andrei G.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7540-8380 - Marconi, Mathias
- Giudici, Massimo
- Huyet, Guillaume
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 78A60 37N20 78M35
- SOA-fiber laser, optical turbulence, localized structures, laser turn-on, delay differential equation, model, cavity solitons
We investigate the turn-on process in a laser cavity where the roundtrip time is several orders of magnitude greater than the active medium timescales. In this long delay limit the electromagnetic field build-up can be mapped experimentally roundtrip after roundtrip. We show how coherence settles down starting from a stochastic initial condition. In the early stages of the turn-on, we show that power drop-outs emerge, persist for several round-trips and seed dark solitons. These latter structures exhibit a chaotic dynamics and emit radiation that can lead to an overall turbulent dynamics depending on the cavity dispersion.
Appeared in
- Phys. Rev. Lett., (2023), pp. 053801/1--053801/7.
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