WIAS Preprint No. 1517, (2010)

Dynamical regimes in a monolithic passively mode-locked quantum dot laser


  • Vladimirov, Andrei G.
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7540-8380
  • Bandelow, Uwe
    ORCID: 0000-0003-3677-2347
  • Fiol, Gerrit
  • Arsenijević, Dejan
  • Kleinert, Moritz
  • Bimberg, Dieter
  • Pimenov, Alexander
  • Rachinskii, Dmitrii

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 78A60 65P30

2008 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme

  • 42.60.Fc, 042.55.Px, 42.65.S


  • Mode-locking, quantum dot lasers, bifurcations




Operation regimes of a two section monolithic quantum dot (QD) mode-locked laser are studied experimentally and theoretically, using a model that takes into account carrier exchange between QD ground state and 2D reservoir of a QD-in-a-well structure, and experimentally. It is shown analytically and numerically that, when the absorber section is long enough, the laser exhibits bistability between laser off state and different mode-locking regimes. The Q-switching instability leading to slow modulation of the mode-locked pulse peak intensity is completely eliminated in this case. When, on the contrary, the absorber length is rather short, in addition to usual Q-switched mode-locking, pure Q-switching regimes are predicted theoretically and observed experimentally.

Appeared in

  • J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B Opt. Phys., 27 (2010) pp. 2102-2109.

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