I am a member of the research group Partial Differential Equations
at the Weierstrass Institute of Applied Analysis and Stochastics.
Furthermore, I am a member of the GAMM Juniors and the GAMM Activity Group "Analysis of Partial Differential Equations".
Scientific interests
My research focuses on the mathematical analysis of evolution equations from a partial differential equations and calculus of variations point of view.
I am particularly interested in (generalized) gradient flows and their corresponding gradient systems as well as limits of such systems.
Such limits can be used to study problems on multiple scales and derive macroscopic models from microscopic descriptions in a rigorous way.
One of my research topics concerns gradient flows on graphs as well as the recovery of (systems of) PDEs as limits of such graph problems.
During my PhD I studied graph problems related to a system of aggregation PDEs for multiple interacting species and concave mobilities as well as their approximation properties.
Peer-reviewed articles
A. Esposito, G. Heinze, A. Schlichting.
Graph-to-local limit for the nonlocal interaction equation.
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
G. Heinze, J.-F. Pietschmann, M. Schmidtchen.
Nonlocal cross-interaction systems on graphs: Energy landscape and dynamics.
Kinetic and Related Models
G. Heinze, J.-F. Pietschmann, M. Schmidtchen.
Nonlocal cross-interaction systems on graphs: Nonquadratic Finslerian structure and nonlinear mobilities.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
G. Heinze, J.-F. Pietschmann, A. Schlichting.
Gradient flows on metric graphs with reservoirs: Microscopic derivation and multiscale limits.
[WIAS Preprint]
Conference proceedings
A. Esposito, G. Heinze, J.-F. Pietschmann, A. Schlichting.
Graph-to-local limit for a multi-species nonlocal cross-interaction system.
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Dissertation thesis
G. Heinze.
Graph-based nonlocal gradient systems and their local limits.
PhD thesis