WIAS Preprint No. 1753, (2012)
Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound
- Sapaev, Usman
- Babushkin, Ihar
- Herrmann, Joachim
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 78A60 35Q61 35Q60
- Four Wave Mixing, Photoionization, Ultrashort pulse propagation
We study a novel method of quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in a gas cell using the periodic modulation of the gas pressure and thus of the third order nonlinear coefficient in the axial direction created by an ultrasound wave. Using a comprehensive numerical model we describe the quasi-phase matched third harmonic generation of UV (at 266 nm) and VUV pulses (at 133 nm) by using pump pulses at 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively, with pulse energy in the range from 3 mJ to 1 J. In addition, using chirped pump pulses, the generation of sub-20-fs VUV pulses without the necessity for an external chirp compensation is predicted.
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