WIAS Preprint No. 3102, (2024)

Statistics for the triangle density in ERGM and its mean-field approximation


  • Magnanini, Elena
    ORCID: 0000-0001-5430-4884
  • Passuello, Giacomo

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 60F10 60B10


  • Exponential random graphs, edge-triangle model, large deviations, phase transitions, standard and non-standard limit theorems




We consider the edge-triangle model (or Strauss model), and focus on the asymptotic behavior of the triangle density when the size of the graph increases to infinity. In the analyticity region of the free energy, we prove a law of large numbers for the triangle density. Along the critical curve, where analyticity breaks down, we show that the triangle density concentrates with high probability in a neighborhood of its typical value. A predominant part of our work is devoted to the study of a mean-field approximation of the edge-triangle model, where explicit computations are possible. In this setting we can go further, and additionally prove a standard and non-standard central limit theorem at the critical point, together with many concentration results obtained via large deviations and statistical mechanics techniques. Despite a rigorous comparison between these two models is still lacking, we believe that they are asymptotically equivalent in many respects, therefore we formulate conjectures on the edge-triangle model, partially supported by simulations, based on the mean-field investigation.

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