Research Groups
- Partial Differential Equations
- Head (acting): Priv.-Doz. Dr. Matthias Liero
The theoretical understanding of differential equations, the modeling of real-world processes, the development of efficient numerical algorithms along with the new convergence methods and suitable hybrid models for multiscale problems are in the focus of the research group. The current applications embrace the mathematical modeling of charge-carrier transport in semiconductor materials on a variety of time and length scales, of general reaction-diffusion processes and of nonlinear material behavior. - Laser Dynamics
- Head: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Uwe Bandelow
The research of this group is devoted to the mathematical modeling, as well as to the theoretical and numerical analysis of nonlinear dynamical processes, that emerge in optical technologies. The investigations are focused on dynamics of semiconductor lasers, optical pulses in nonlinear media and theory of dynamical systems. Typical mathematical questions concern structural properties of the models, their problem-specific reduction, as well as the dependence of nonlinear effects on design- and control parameters. - Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Head: Prof. Dr. Volker John
RG 3 develops, analyzes and implements modern numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations and systems of such equations. A main topic of research is the numerical analysis of methods. The methods used are essentially determined by their usability in application projects. These projects concentrate on the areas of semiconductor device and technology simulation, on the simulation of processes from biomedicine, of electrochemical processes as well as of flow processes. - Nonlinear Optimization and Inverse Problems
- Head: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Hömberg
The group investigates nonlinear optimization and inverse problems occurring in current engineering and economic applications. A specific focus of research in optimization and optimal control is the investigation of special problems resulting from the presence of uncertain and nonsmooth data. Research in inverse problems is centered around the reconstruction of geometries and surfaces with complex or stochastic components from the scattering of acoustic, electromagnetic, or elastic waves. - Interacting Random Systems
- Head: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König
The group analyses interacting random systems with many degrees of freedom. Examples come from statistical physics, telecommunication, population genetics, and materials science. Interactions are defined microscopically, and the macroscopic or mesoscopic behaviour is described using methods from probability theory (ergodic theorems, large deviations, martingale theory, weak convergence of measures,) and analysis (variational analysis, spectral theory, partial differential equations, ...). - Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics
- Head: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Spokoiny
The research group considers challenges in applied probability theory and mathematical statistics that contain both applied and theoretical aspects of the respective statistical and numerical problems complemented by complexity research. The focus is on statistical data analysis and on stochastic modeling, optimization, and algorithms. The group mainly contributes to the modelling of complex phenomena with methods of nonparametric statistics, developes methods for risk assessment in financial and energy markets using stochastic differential equations and considers methods for stochastics and convex optimization and efficient stochastic algorithms. - Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions
- Head (acting): Prof. Dr. Barbara Wagner
The research group conducts research on multiscale modeling, analysis and numerical simulation of complex materials. The main expertise are the thermodynamically consistent modeling of phase transitions, the derivation of systematic asymptotic methods, in particular singularly perturbed problems, and analysis of hysteresis properties. - Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations
- Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermüller
The group works in the area of mathematical modeling, in the analysis of resulting variational problems or operator equations, as well as in the development, analysis and numerical implementation of respective solution algorithms. Of key importance are hereby those processes in medicine, nature, engineering and economy, where non-smooth phenomena play a decisive role.
Besides the research groups, in case of current demand and due to certain problem areas and topics arising, additional temporary and short-term groups are set up within a flexible research platform.

Research Groups
- Partial Differential Equations
- Laser Dynamics
- Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Nonlinear Optimization and Inverse Problems
- Interacting Random Systems
- Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics
- Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions
- Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations