WIAS Preprint List
- 1912: Klein, Olaf
On the representation of hysteresis operators acting on vector-valued, left-continuous and piecewise monotaffine and continuous functions
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35 (2015) pp. 2591--2614. - 1911: Eigel, Martin; Gittelson, Claude Jeffrey; Schwab, Christoph; Zander, Elmar
A convergent adaptive stochastic Galerkin finite element method with quasi-optimal spatial meshes
Appeared In: ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 49 (2015) pp. 1367--1398. - 1910: Hömberg, Dietmar; Petzold, Thomas; Rocca, Elisabetta
Analysis and simulations of multifrequency induction hardening
Appeared In: Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 22 (2015) pp. 84--97. - 1909: Bothe, Dieter; Dreyer, Wolfgang
Continuum thermodynamics of chemically reacting fluid mixtures
Appeared In: Acta Mech., 226 (2015) pp. 1757--1805. - 1908: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias; Laing, Carlo
Partially coherent twisted states in arrays of coupled phase oscillators
Appeared In: Chaos, 24 (2014) pp. 023102/1--023102/9. - 1907: Bayer, Christian; Mai, Hilmar; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Forward-reverse EM algorithm for Markov chains
Appeared In: Adv. Appl. Probab., 2 (2018), pp. 621--644 , under the new title: Forward-reverse expectation-maximization algorithm for Markov chains: Convergence and numerical analysis, DOI 10.1017/apr.2018.27 . - 1906: Blank, Luise; Farshbaf Shaker, Mohammad Hassan; Hecht, Claudia; Michl, Josef; Rupprecht, Christoph
Optimal control of Allen--Cahn systems
Appeared In: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization, G. Leugering, P. Benner et al., eds., vol. 165 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel et al., 2014, pp. 11--26 - 1905: Disser, Karoline; Meyries, Martin; Rehberg, Joachim
A unified framework for parabolic equations with mixed boundary conditions and diffusion on interfaces
Appeared In: J. Math. Anal. Appl., 430 (2015) pp. 1102--1123. - 1904: Huang, Weizhang; Kamenski, Lennard; Lang, Jens
Stability of explicit Runge--Kutta methods for high order finite element approximation of linear parabolic equations
Appeared In: Proceedings of Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, vol. 103 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 165--173 - 1903: Kamenski, Lennard; Huang, Weizhang
A study on the conditioning of finite element equations with arbitrary anisotropic meshes via a density function approach
Appeared In: J. Math. Study, 47 (2014) pp. 151--172. - 1902: Blank, Luise; Farshbaf Shaker, Mohammad Hassan; Garcke, Harald; Rupprecht, Christoph; Styles, Vanessa
Multi-material phase field approach to structural topology optimization
Appeared In: Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization, G. Leugering, P. Benner et al., eds., vol. 165 of International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel et al., 2014, pp. 231--246 - 1901: Ahnert, Tobias; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
Two-phase flow model for concentrated suspensions
Appeared In: European J. Appl. Math., 30 (2019), pp. 585--617 (published online on 04.06.2018), DOI 10.1017/S095679251800030X . - 1900: Landry, Chantal; Welz, Wolfgang; Gerdts, Matthias
A coupling of discrete and continuous optimization to solve kinodynamic motion planning problems
Appeared In: Optim. Eng. (2015), 1-24, DOI 10.1007/s11081-015-9291-0 . - 1899: Disser, Karoline; Liero, Matthias
On gradient structures for Markov chains and the passage to Wasserstein gradient flows
Appeared In: Netw. Heterog. Media, 10 (2015), pp. 233-253. - 1898: Racec, Paul N.; Goray, Leonid I.
Electronic states in a quantum well -- nanobridge -- quantum dot structure
Appeared In: Proceeding of the International Conference “Days of Diffraction 2014”, O.V. Motygin, A.P. Kiselev, L.I. Goray, A.Y. Kazakov, A.S. Kirpichnikova, eds., IEEE, Danvers (USA), 2014, pp. 89--95 - 1897: Druet, Pierre-Étienne
A curvature estimate for open surfaces subject to a general mean curvature operator and natural contact conditions at their boundary - 1896: Stephan, Holger
Inequalities for Markov operators, majorization and the direction of time - 1895: Neidhardt, Hagen; Wilhelm, Lukas; Zagrebnov, Valentin A.
A new model for quantum dot light emitting-absorbing devices
Appeared In: J. Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry (MAG), 10 (2014) pp. 1--37. - 1894: Dipierro, Serena; Figalli, Alessio; Valdinoci, Enrico
Strongly nonlocal dislocation dynamics in crystals
Appeared In: Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 39 (2014) pp. 2351--2387. - 1893: Butuzov, Valentin F.; Nefedov, Nikolai N.; Recke, Lutz; Schneider, Klaus
Existence and asymptotic stability of a periodic solution with boundary layers of reaction-diffusion equations with singularly perturbed Neumann boundary conditions - 1892: Feyeux, Nelson; Landry, Chantal
Collision detection between robots moving along specified trajectories - 1891: Borchers, Bastian; Brée, Carsten; Birkholz, Simon; Demircan, Ayhan; Steinmeyer, Günter
Saturation of the all-optical Kerr effect in solids - 1890: Heinemann, Christian; Kraus, Christiane
Existence of weak solutions for a hyperbolic-parabolic phase field system with mixed boundary conditions on non-smooth domains
Appeared In: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 47 (2015) pp. 2044--2073. - 1889: Roubíček, Tomáš; Thomas, Marita; Panagiotopoulos, Christos
Stress-driven local-solution approach to quasistatic brittle delamination
Appeared In: Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 22 (2015) pp. 645--663. - 1888: Gün, Onur
Extremal aging for trap models - 1887: Hennessy, Mathew G.; Burlakov, Victor M.; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara; Goriely, Alain
Propagating topological transformations in thin immiscible bilayer films
Appeared In: Europhysics Letters, 105 (2014) pp. 66001/1--66001/6. - 1886: Bäumchen, Oliver; Marquant, Ludovic; Blossey, Ralf; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara; Jacobs, Karin
Influence of slip on the Rayleigh--Plateau rim instability in dewetting viscous films
Appeared In: Physical Review Letters, 113 (2014) pp. 014501/1--014501/4. - 1885: Hennessy, Mathew G.; Burlakov, Victor M.; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara; Goriely, Alain
Controlled topological transitions in thin film phase separation
Appeared In: SIAM J. Appl. Math., 75 (2015) pp. 38--60. - 1884: Korzec, Maciek D.; Roczen, Maurizio; Schade, Martin; Wagner, Barbara; Rech, Bernd
Equilibrium shapes of poly-crystalline silicon nanodots
Appeared In: Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) pp. 074304/1--074304/12. - 1883: Dziwnik, Marion; Korzec, Maciek D.; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
Stability analysis of non-constant base states in thin film equations
Appeared In: with the title : “Stability analysis of unsteady, nonuniform base states in thin film equations”, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal, 12 (2014) pp. 755--780. - 1882: Bugert, Beatrice; Schmidt, Gunther
Analytical investigation of an integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, 8 (2015) pp. 435--473. - 1881: Avena, Luca; Gaudillière, Alexandre
On some random forests with determinantal roots - 1880: Hanke, Hauke; Knees, Dorothee
Homogenization of elliptic systems with non-periodic, state dependent coefficients
Appeared In: Asymptot. Anal., 92 (2015) pp. 203--234. - 1879: Pérez-Serrano, Antonio; Javaloyes, Julien; Balle, Salvador
Directional reversals and multimode dynamics in semiconductor ring lasers
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. A, 89 (2014) pp. 023818/1--023818/14. - 1878: Hesse, Marion; Kyprianou, Andreas
The total mass of super-Brownian motion upon exiting balls and Sheu's compact support condition - 1877: Becker, Saskia
The Propagation-Separation Approach: Consequences of model misspecification - 1876: Cornean, Horia; Neidhardt, Hagen; Wilhelm, Lukas; Zagrebnov, Valentin
The Cayley transform applied to non-interacting quantum transport
Appeared In: J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014) pp. 1421--1475. - 1875: Druet, Pierre-Étienne
Regularity of second derivatives in elliptic transmission problems near an interior regular multiple line of contact
Appeared In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 41 (2018), pp. 6457--6479, DOI 10.1002/mma.5170 . - 1874: John, Volker; Novo, Julia
Analysis of the PSPG stabilization for the continuous-in-time discretization of the evolutionary Stokes equations
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 53 (2015) pp. 1005--1031. - 1873: Biskup, Marek; König, Wolfgang
Eigenvalue order statistics for random Schrödinger operators with doubly-exponential tails
Appeared In: Comm. Math. Phys., 341 (2016) pp. 179--218. - 1872: Hofmann, Michael; Schaller, Gernot
Probing nonlinear adiabatic paths with a universal integrator
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. A, 89 (2014) pp. 032308/1--032308/8. - 1871: de Frutos, Javier; Garc'ıa-Archilla, Bosco; John, Volker; Novo, Julia
An adaptive SUPG method for evolutionary convection-diffusion equations
Appeared In: Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 273 (2014) pp. 219--237. - 1870: Druet, Pierre-Étienne
Higher $L^p$ regularity for vector fields that satisfy divergence and rotation constraints in dual Sobolev spaces, and application to some low-frequency Maxwell equations
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 8 (2015) pp. 479--496. - 1869: Huang, Weizhang; Kamenski, Lennard; Lang, Jens
Stability of explicit Runge--Kutta methods for finite element approximation of linear parabolic equations on anisotropic meshes
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 54 (2016) pp. 1612--1634. - 1868: Mielke, Alexander; Peletier, Mark A.; Renger, D. R. Michiel
On the relation between gradient flows and the large-deviation principle, with applications to Markov chains and diffusion
Appeared In: Potential Anal., 41 (2014) pp. 1293--1325. - 1867: Knees, Dorothee; Rossi, Riccarda; Zanini, Chiara
A quasilinear differential inclusion for viscous and rate-independent damage systems in non-smooth domains - 1866: Diehl, Joscha; Friz, Peter; Mai, Hilmar
Pathwise stability of likelihood estimators for diffusions via rough paths
Appeared In: The Annals of Probalility, 26(2016) pp. 2169--2192 - 1865: Feireisl, Eduard; Rocca, Elisabetta; Schimperna, Giulio; Zarnescu, Arghir
Nonisothermal nematic liquid crystal flows with the Ball--Majumdar free energy
Appeared In: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. IV. Ser., 194 (2015) pp. 1269--1299. - 1864: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Guhlke, Clemens; Landstorfer, Manuel
A mixture theory of electrolytes containing solvation effects
Appeared In: Electrochem. Commun., 43 (2014) pp. 75--78. - 1863: Laurain, Antoine; Sturm, Kevin
Domain expression of the shape derivative and application to electrical impedance tomography - 1862: Stange, Jens; Bodnar, Taras; Dickhaus, Thorsten
Uncertainty quantification for the family-wise error rate in multivariate copula models
Appeared In: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis,,issue ( ) pp. -- - 1861: Gün, Onur; König, Wolfgang; Sekulović, Ozren
Moment asymptotics for multitype branching random walks in random environment
Appeared In: J. Theoret. Probab., 28 (2015) pp. 1726--1742. - 1860: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Guhlke, Clemens; Müller, Rüdiger
Rational modeling of electrochemical double-layers and derivation of Butler--Volmer equations - 1859: Sieber, Jan; Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Controlling unstable chaos: Stabilizing chimera states by feedback
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 (2014) pp. 054102/1--054102/5. - 1858: Farshbaf Shaker, Mohammad Hassan; Hecht, Claudia
Optimal control of elastic vector-valued Allen--Cahn variational inequalities
Appeared In: SIAM J. Control Optim., 54 (2016) pp. 129--152. - 1857: Wagner, Wolfgang
Some properties of the kinetic equation for electron transport in semiconductors
Appeared In: Kinet. Relat. Models, 6 (2013) pp. 955--967. - 1856: Tabelow, Karsten; Mohammadi, Siawoosh; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Polzehl, Jörg
POAS4SPM --- A toolbox for SPM to denoise diffusion MRI data
Appeared In: Neuroinformatics, 13 (2015) pp. 19--29. - 1855: Bayer, Christian; Laurence, Peter
Asymptotics for at the money local vol basket options - 1854: Hu, Guanghui; Kirsch, Andreas
Direct and inverse interaction problems with bi-periodic interfaces between acoustic and elastic waves
Appeared In: Inverse Probl. Imaging, 10 pp. 103--129. - 1853: Hu, Guanghui; Mantile, Andrea; Sini, Mourad
Direct and inverse acoustic scattering by a collection of extended and point-like scatterers
Appeared In: Multiscale Model. Simul., 12 (2014) pp. 996--1027. - 1852: Arkhipov, Rostislav M.; Babushkin, Ihar; Lebedev, Mikhail K.; Tolmachev, Yurii A.; Arkhipov, Mikhail V.
Transient Cherenkov radiation from an inhomogeneous string excited by an ultrashort laser pulse at superluminal velocity
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. A, 89 (2014) pp. 043811/1--043811/10. - 1851: Wagner, Wolfgang
A random cloud model for the Schrödinger equation - 1850: Dassi, Franco; Si, Hang
A curvature-adapted anisotropic surface remeshing method
Appeared In: New Challenges in Grid Generation and Adaptivity for Scientific Computing, S. Perotto, L. Formaggia, eds., vol. 5 of SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2015, pp. 19--41 - 1849: Pimenov, Alexander; Rachinskii, Dmitrii
Homoclinic orbits in a two-patch predator-prey model with Preisach hysteresis operator
Appeared In: , 139 (2014) pp. 285--298. - 1848: John, Volker; Suciu, Carina
Direct discretizations of bi-variate population balance systems with finite difference schemes of different order
Appeared In: Chem. Engng. Sci., 106 (2014) pp. 39--52. - 1847: Dipierro, Serena; Palatucci, Giampiero; Valdinoci, Enrico
Dislocation dynamics in crystals: A macroscopic theory in a fractional Laplace setting
Appeared In: Comm. Math. Phys., 333 (2015) pp. 1061--1105. - 1846: Mielke, Alexander; Patz, Carsten
Uniform asymptotic expansions for the infinite harmonic chain
Appeared In: Z. Anal. Anwendungen, 36 (2017), pp. 437--475, DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1596 . - 1845: Mielke, Alexander; Rossi, Riccarda; Savaré, Giuseppe
Balanced viscosity (BV) solutions to infinite-dimensional rate-independent systems
Appeared In: J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 18 (2016), pp. 2107--2165. - 1844: Albanese, Guglielmo; Fiscella, Alessio; Valdinoci, Enrico
Gevrey regularity for integro-differential operators
Appeared In: J. Math. Anal. Appl., 428 (2015) pp. 1225--1238. - 1843: Gloria, Antoine; Neukamm, Stefan; Otto, Felix
Quantification of ergodicity in stochastic homogenization: Optimal bounds via spectral gap on Glauber dynamics
Appeared In: Invent. math. 199 (2015) pp. 455--515. - 1842: Neukamm, Stefan; Olbermann, Heiner
Homogenization of the nonlinear bending theory for plates
Appeared In: Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ., (published online on Sept. 14, 2014) pp. , DOI 10.1007/s00526-014-0765-2 . - 1841: Bonetti, Elena; Heinemann, Christian; Kraus, Christiane; Segatti, Antonio
Modeling and analysis of a phase field system for damage and phase separation processes in solids
Appeared In: J. Partial Differ. Equ., 258 (2015) pp. 3928--3959. - 1840: Čiegis, Raimondas; Amiranashvili, Shalva; Radziunas, Mindaugas
Numerical methods for generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Appeared In: Kinet. Relat. Models, 8 (2015) pp. 215--234. - 1839: Fischer, Axel; Koprucki, Thomas; Gärtner, Klaus; Tietze, Max L.; Brückner, Jacqueline; Lüssem, Björn; Leo, Karl; Glitzky, Annegret; Scholz, Reinhard
Feel the heat: Nonlinear electrothermal feedback in organic LEDs
Appeared In: Appeared in: Adv. Funct. Mater., 24 (2014) pp. 3367--3374 - 1838: Colli, Pierluigi; Farshbaf Shaker, Mohammad Hassan; Sprekels, Jürgen
A deep quench approach to the optimal control of an Allen--Cahn equation with dynamic boundary conditions and double obstacles
Appeared In: Appl. Math. Optim., 71 (2015) pp. 1--24. - 1837: Amiranashvili, Shalva; Bandelow, Uwe; Akhmediev, Nail
Ultrashort optical solitons in transparent nonlinear media with arbitrary dispersion
Appeared In: Opt. Quantum Electron., (2013) pp. . - 1836: Lamacz, Agnes; Neukamm, Stefan; Otto, Felix
Moment bounds for the corrector in stochastic homogenization of a percolation model - 1835: Linke, Alexander; Neilan, Michael; Rebholz, Leo G.; Wilson, Nicholas
Improving efficiency of coupled schemes for Navier--Stokes equations by a connection to grad-div stabilized projection methods
Appeared In: J. Numer. Math., 25 (2017), pp. 229--248, DOI 10.1515/jnma-2016-1024 ; changed title: A connection between coupled and penalty projection timestepping schemes with FE spatial discretization for the Navier--Stokes equations. - 1834: Mielke, Alexander; Reichelt, Sina; Thomas, Marita
Two-scale homogenization of nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems with slow diffusion
Appeared In: Networks Heterogeneous Media, 9 (2014) pp. 353--382. - 1833: Eigel, Martin; Peterseim, Daniel
Simulation of composite materials by a Network FEM with error control
Appeared In: Comput. Methods Appl. Math., 15 (2015) pp. 21--37. - 1832: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Giesselmann, Jan; Kraus, Christiane
A compressible mixture model with phase transition
Appeared In: Phys. D, 273-274 (2014) pp. 1--13. - 1831: Figalli, Alessio; Valdinoci, Enrico
Regularity and Bernstein-type results for nonlocal minimal surfaces - 1830: Giesselmann, Jan
Low Mach asymptotic preserving scheme for the Euler--Korteweg model
Appeared In: IMA J. Numer. Anal. 35 (2) (2015) , pp. 802--833. - 1829: König, Wolfgang; Wolff, Tilman
Large deviations for the local times of a random walk among random conductances in a growing box
Appeared In: Markov Process. Related Fields, 21 (2015) pp. 591--638. - 1828: John, Volker; Schumacher, Liesel
A study of isogeometric analysis for scalar convection-diffusion equations
Appeared In: Appl. Math. Lett., 27 (2014) pp. 43--48. - 1827: Fiebach, André; Glitzky, Annegret; Linke, Alexander
Convergence of an implicit Voronoi finite volume method for reaction-diffusion problems
Appeared In: Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 32 (2016), pp. 141--174. - 1826: Yanchuk, Serhiy; Lücken, Leonhard; Wolfrum, Matthias; Mielke, Alexander
Spectrum and amplitude equations for scalar delay-differential equations with large delay
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35 (2015) pp. 537--553. - 1825: Landry, Chantal; Welz, Wolfgang; Henrion, René; Hömberg, Dietmar; Skutella, Martin
Task assignment, sequencing and path-planning in robotic welding cells
Appeared In: Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2013 -- 18th International Conference on, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, August 26 - 29, 2013, IEEE, 2013, pp. 252--257. - 1824: Linke, Alexander; Rebholz, Leo
On a reduced sparsity stabilization of grad-div type for incompressible flow problems
Appeared In: Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 261--262 (2013) pp. 142--153. - 1823: Giesselmann, Jan; Pryer, Tristan
Energy consistent discontinuous Galerkin methods for a quasi-incompressible diffuse two phase flow model
Appeared In: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis M2AN, 49(1) (2015), pp. 275--301. - 1822: Eigel, Martin; Merdon, Christian
Robust equilibration a posteriori error estimation for convection-diffusion-reaction problems
Appeared In: J. Sci. Comput., 67 (2016) pp. 747--768 under the title “Equilibration a posteriori error estimation for convection-diffusion-reaction problems” - 1821: Cousins, Benjamin; Le Borne, Sabine; Linke, Alexander; Rebholz, Leo G.; Wang, Zhen
Efficient linear solvers for incompressible flow simulations using Scott--Vogelius finite elements
Appeared In: Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 29 (2013) pp. 1217--1237. - 1820: Pimenov, Alexander; Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Gurevich, Svetlana V.; Panajotov, Krassimir; Huyet, Guillaume; Tlidi, Mustapha
Delayed feedback control of self-mobile cavity solitons
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. A, 88 (2013) pp. 053830/1--053830/11. - 1819: Emich, Konstantin; Henrion, René
A simple formula for the second-order subdifferential of maximum functions
Appeared In: Vietnam J. Math., 42 (2014) pp. 467--478. - 1818: Caffarelli, Luis; Savin, Ovidiu; Valdinoci, Enrico
Minimization of a fractional perimeter-Dirichlet integral functional - 1817: Sturm, Kevin
Lagrange method in shape optimization for non-linear partial differential equations: A material derivative free approach - 1816: Mielke, Alexander; Ortner, Christoph; Şengül, Yasemin
An approach to nonlinear viscoelasticity via metric gradient flows
Appeared In: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 46 (2014) pp. 1317--1347. - 1815: Giesselmann, Jan; Tzavaras, Athanasios E.
Singular limiting induced from continuum solutions and the problem of dynamic cavitation
Appeared In: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 212 (2014) pp. 241--281 - 1814: Huth, Robert; Jachalski, Sebastian; Kitavtsev, Georgy; Peschka, Dirk
Gradient flow perspective of thin-film bilayer flows
Appeared In: J. Engrg. Math., 94 (2015) pp. 43--61. - 1813: Malamud, Mark; Neidhardt, Hagen
Perturbation determinants for singular perturbations
Appeared In: Russ. J. Math. Phys., 21 (2014) pp. 55--98. - 1812: Caiazzo, Alfonso; John, Volker; Wilbrandt, Ulrich
On iterative subdomain methods for the Stokes--Darcy problem
Appeared In: Comput. Geosci., 18 (2014) pp. 711--728. - 1811: Döring, Hanna; Faraud, Gabriel; König, Wolfgang
Connection times in large ad hoc mobile networks
Appeared In: Bernoulli, 22 (2016) pp. 2143--2176. - 1810: Linke, Alexander
On the role of the Helmholtz-decomposition in mixed methods for incompressible flows and a new variational crime
Appeared In: Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 268 (2014) pp. 782--800. - 1809: Becker, Saskia; Tabelow, Karsten; Mohammadi, Siawoosh; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Polzehl, Jörg
Adaptive smoothing of multi-shell diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data by msPOAS
Appeared In: NeuroImage, 95 (2014) pp. 90--105. - 1808: Babushkin, Ihar
The fundamental solution of unidirectional pulse propagation equation - 1807: Demircan, Ayhan; Amiranashvili, Shalva; Brée, Carsten; Mahnke, Christoph; Mitschke, Fedor; Steinmeyer, Günter
Rogue wave formation by accelerated solitons at an optical event horizon
Appeared In: Appl. Phys. B, 115 (2013) pp. 343--354. - 1806: Radziunas, Mindaugas; Ciegis, Raimondas
Modeling and simulations of beam stabilization in edge-emitting broad area semiconductor devices
Appeared In: PPAM 2013, Part II, LNCS 8385, R. Wyrzykowski, et al., eds., Springer 2014, 2013, pp. 332--342 - 1805: Welvaert, Marijke; Tabelow, Karsten; Seurinck, Ruth; Rosseel, Yves
Adaptive smoothing as inference strategy: More specificity for unequally sized or neighboring regions
Appeared In: Neuroinformatics, 11 (2013) pp. 435--445. - 1804: Fall, Mouhamed Moustapha; Valdinoci, Enrico
Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of positive solutions of $(-Delta)^s u+u = u^p$ in $R^N$ when $s$ is close to 1 - 1803: Cozzi, Matteo; Farina, Alberto; Valdinoci, Enrico
Gradient bounds and rigidity results for singular, degenerate, anisotropic partial differential equations - 1802: Hildebrand, Roland; Gevers, Michel; Solari, Gabriel
Closed-loop optimal experiment design: Solution via moment extension
Appeared In: IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 60 (2015) pp. 1731--1744. - 1801: Fiscella, Alessio; Valdinoci, Enrico
A critical Kirchhoff type problem involving a non-local operator - 1800: Bertoglio, Cristóbal; Caiazzo, Alfonso
A tangential regularization method for backflow stabilization in hemodynamics
Appeared In: J. Comput. Phys., 261 (2014) pp. 162--171. - 1799: van Ackooij, Wim; Henrion, René
Gradient formulae for nonlinear probabilistic constraints with Gaussian and Gaussian-like distributions
Appeared In: SIAM J. Optim., 24 (2014) pp. 1864--1889. - 1798: Barrios, Begoña; Peral, Ireneo; Soria, Fernando; Valdinoci, Enrico
A Widder's type theorem for the heat equation with nonlocal diffusion - 1797: Thomas, Marita
Uniform Poincaré--Sobolev and relative isoperimetric inequalities for classes of domains
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35 (2015) pp. 2741--2761. - 1796: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Laurence, Peter
On the probability density function of baskets - 1795: Patterson, Robert I. A.; Wagner, Wolfgang
Cell size error in stochastic particle methods for coagulation equations with advection
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 52 (2014) pp. 424--442. - 1794: Bleck, Wolfgang; Hömberg, Dietmar; Prahl, Ulrich; Suwanpinij, Piyada; Togobytska, Nataliya
Optimal control of a cooling line for production of hot rolled dual phase steel
Appeared In: Steel Res. Int., 85 (2014) pp. 1328--1333. - 1793: Caiazzo, Alfonso; Montecinos, Gino; Müller, Lucas O.; Haacke, E. Mark; Toro, Eleuterio F.
Computational haemodynamics in stenotic internal jugular veins
Appeared In: J. Math. Biol., 70 (2015) pp. 745--772. - 1792: Sturm, Kevin; Hintermüller, Michael; Hömberg, Dietmar
Shape optimization for a sharp interface model of distortion compensation
Appeared In: Comput. Optim. Appl., 64 (2016) pp. 557--588 under the title “Distortion compensation as a shape optimisation problem for a sharp interface model” - 1791: Omel'chenko, Oleh; Wolfrum, Matthias
Bifurcations in the Sakaguchi--Kuramoto model
Appeared In: Phys. D, 263 (2013) pp. 74--85. - 1790: Radziunas, Mindaugas; Botey, Muriel; Herrero, Ramon; Staliunas, Kestutis
Beam shaping mechanism in spatially modulated edge emitting broad area semiconductor amplifiers
Appeared In: Appl. Phys. Lett., 103 (2013) pp. 132101/1--132101/4. - 1789: Hömberg, Dietmar; Lu, Shuai; Sakamoto, Kenichi; Yamamoto, Masahiro
Parameter identification in non-isothermal nucleation and growth processes
Appeared In: Inverse Problems, 30 (2014) pp. 035003/1--035003/24. - 1788: Blank, Luise; Farshbaf Shaker, Mohammad Hassan; Garcke, Harald; Styles, Vanessa
Relating phase field and sharp interface approaches to structural topology optimization
Appeared In: ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 20 (2014) pp. 1025--1058. - 1787: Bayer, Christian; Friz, Peter; Riedel, Sebastian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
From rough path estimates to multilevel Monte Carlo
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 54 (2016) pp. 1449--1483. - 1786: Caiazzo, Alfonso; Mura, Joaquin
Multiscale modeling of weakly compressible elastic materials in harmonic regime and application to microscale structure estimation
Appeared In: Multiscale Model. Simul., 12 (2014) pp. 514--537. - 1785: Arnold, Thomas; Henrion, René; Möller, Andris; Vigerske, Stefan
A mixed-integer stochastic nonlinear optimization problem with joint probabilistic constraints
Appeared In: Pac. J. Optim., 10 (2014) pp. 5--20. - 1784: Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Krejčí, Pavel; Podio-Guidugli, Paolo; Sprekels, Jürgen
Analysis of a time discretization scheme for a nonstandard viscous Cahn--Hilliard system
Appeared In: ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 48 (2014) pp. 1061--1087. - 1783: Emich, Konstantin; Henrion, René; Römisch, Werner
Conditioning of linear-quadratic two-stage stochastic optimization problems
Appeared In: Math. Program., 148 (2014) pp. 201--221. - 1782: Hu, Guanghui; Lu, Yulong; Zhang, Bo
The factorization method for inverse elastic scattering from periodic structures
Appeared In: Inverse Problems, 29 (2013) pp. 115005/1--115005/25. - 1781: Wilms, Alexander; Mathé, Peter; Schulze, Franz; Koprucki, Thomas; Knorr, Andreas; Bandelow, Uwe
Influence of the carrier reservoir dimensionality on electron-electron scattering in quantum dot materials
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. B., 88 (2013) pp. 235421/1--235421/11. - 1780: Elschner, Johannes; Hu, Guanghui
Elastic scattering by unbounded rough surfaces: Solvability in weighted Sobolev spaces
Appeared In: Appl. Anal., 94 (2015) pp. 251--278. - 1779: Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Sprekels, Jürgen
Regularity of the solution to a nonstandard system of phase field equations
Appeared In: Rend. Cl. Sci. Mat. Nat., 147 (2013) pp. 3--19. - 1778: Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Krejčí, Pavel; Sprekels, Jürgen
A continuous dependence result for a nonstandard system of phase field equations
Appeared In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 37 (2014) pp. 1318--1324. - 1777: Omel'chenko, Oleh
Coherence-incoherence patterns in a ring of non-locally coupled phase oscillators
Appeared In: Nonlinearity, 26 (2013) pp. 2469--2498. - 1776: Andresen, Andreas; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Critical dimension in profile semiparametric estimation - 1775: Carstensen, Carsten; Merdon, Christian; Neumann, Johannes
Aspects of guaranteed error control in CPDEs - 1774: Bayer, Christian; Hoel, Håkon; von Schwerin, Erik; Tempone, Raúl
On non-asymptotic optimal stopping criteria in Monte Carlo simulations - 1773: Bommer, Stefan; Jachalski, Sebastian; Peschka, Dirk; Seemann, Ralf; Wagner, Barbara
Droplets on liquids and their long way into equilibrium
Appeared In: Eur. Phys. J. E -- Soft Matter, 36 (2013) pp. 87--99. - 1772: Schneider, Klaus R.; Grin, Alexander
On the construction of a class of generalized Kukles systems having at most one limit cycle - 1771: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Guhlke, Clemens
Sharp limit of the viscous Cahn--Hilliard equation and thermodynamic consistency
Appeared In: Contin. Mech. Thermodyn., 29 (2017) pp. 913--934. - 1770: Racec, Paul N.
Quantum transport in cylindrical semiconductor nanowires with constrictions
Appeared In: Phys. Status Solidi B, 251 (2014) pp. 195--200 under the title “Cylindrical semiconductor nanowires with constrictions” - 1769: Graf, Marcel; Hömberg, Dietmar; Kawalla, Rudolf; Togobytska, Nataliya; Weiss, Wolf
Identification, simulation and optimal control of heat transfer in cooling line of hot strip rolling mill - 1768: Mielke, Alexander; Haskovec, Jan; Markowich, Peter A.
On uniform decay of the entropy for reaction-diffusion systems
Appeared In: J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 27 (2015) pp. 897--928. - 1767: Lanzara, Flavia; Maz'ya, Vladimir; Schmidt, Gunther
Fast cubature of volume potentials over rectangular domains
Appeared In: Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 36 (2014) pp. 167--182 with modified title: Fast cubature of volume potentials over rectangular domains by approximate approximations - 1766: Becker, Saskia; Mathé, Peter
A new perspective on the Propagation-Separation Approach: Taking advantage of the propagation condition
Appeared In: Electron. J. Stat., 7 (2013) pp. 2702--2736. - 1765: Caiazzo, Alfonso; Iliescu, Traian; John, Volker; Schyschlowa, Swetlana
A numerical investigation of velocity-pressure reduced order models for incompressible flows
Appeared In: J. Comput. Phys., 259 (2014) pp. 598--616. - 1764: Bayer, Christian; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Simulation of conditional diffusions via forward-reverse stochastic representations
Appeared In: Ann. Appl. Probab., 24 (2014) pp. 1994--2032 - 1763: Milstein, Grigori N.; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Path-wise approximation of the Cox--Ingersoll--Ross process
Appeared In: Adv. Appl. Probab., 1132--1156 (2015) pp. . - 1762: Si, Hang
TetGen, towards a quality tetrahedral mesh generator
Appeared In: ACM Trans. Math. Software, 41 (2015) pp. 11:1--11:36. - 1761: Bandelow, Uwe; Akhmediev, Nail
Solitons on a background, rogue waves and classical soliton solutions of Sasa--Satsuma equation
Appeared In: J. Opt., 15 (2013) pp. 064006/1--064006/10. - 1760: Giesselmann, Jan; Müller, Thomas
Geometric error of finite volume schemes for conservation laws on evolving surfaces
Appeared In: Numerische Mathematik 128 (2014), pp. 489--516.