WIAS Preprint List
- 1085: Alder, Holger; Hömberg, Dietmar; Weiss, Wolf
Simulationsbasierte Regelung der Laserhärtung von Stahl
Appeared In: HTM Z. Werkst. Waermebeh. Fertigung, 61 (2006) pp. 103--108. - 1084: Griepentrog, Jens André
Maximal regularity for nonsmooth parabolic problems in Sobolev-Morrey spaces
Appeared In: Adv. Differential Equations, 12 (2007) pp. 1031--1078. - 1083: Griepentrog, Jens André
Sobolev-Morrey spaces associated with evolution equations
Appeared In: Adv. Differential Equations, 12 (2007) pp. 781--840. - 1082: Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldy; Sabelfeld, Karl
Stochastic spectral and Fourier-wavelet methods for vector Gaussian random fields
Appeared In: Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 12 (2006) pp. 395--446. - 1081: Bovier, Anton
Metastability: A potential theoretic approach - 1080: Geiser, Jürgen; Klein, Olaf; Philip, Peter
Transient numerical study of temperature gradients during sublimation growth of SiC: Dependence on apparatus design
Appeared In: J. Crystal Growth, 297 (2006) pp. 20-32. - 1079: Tabelow, Karsten; Polzehl, Jörg; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Analysing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing procedures
Appeared In: NeuroImage, 33 (2006) pp. 55--62. - 1078: Mielke, Alexander; Rossi, Riccarda
Existence and uniqueness results for general rate-independent hysteresis problems
Appeared In: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 17 (2007) pp. 81--123. - 1077: Kaganer, Vladimir; Ploog, Klaus; Sabelfeld, Karl
Dynamic coalescence kinetics of facetted 2D islands
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. B., 73 (2006) pp. 115425--1--8. - 1076: Behrndt, Jussi; Neidhardt, Hagen; Rehberg, Joachim
Block operator matrices, optical potentials, trace class perturbations and scattering
Appeared In: Operator Theory in Inner Product Spaces, K.-H. Förster, P. Jonas, H. Langer, C. Trunk, eds., Vol. 175 of Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2007, 33--49 - 1075: Sabelfeld, Karl; Levykin, Alexander I.; Privalova, Tatiana
A fast stratified sampling simulation of coagulation processes
Appeared In: Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 13 (2007) pp. 71--88. - 1074: Afanasiev, Konstantin; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
Thin film dynamics on vertically rotating disks
Appeared In: Appl. Math. Modelling, 32 (2008) pp. 1894-1911. - 1073: Sabelfeld, Karl; Levykin, Alexander I.; Shalimova, Irina
Random walk on fixed spheres method for electro- and elastostatics problems - 1072: Birkner, Matthias
Conditional large deviations for a sequence of words
Appeared In: Ann. Probab., 118 (2008) pp. 703--729. - 1071: Bender, Christian; Kolodko, Anastasia; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Enhanced policy iteration for American options via scenario selection
Appeared In: Quantitative Finance, Vol. 8, Number 2, pp. 135-146 - 1070: King, John R.; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara
Linear stability of a ridge
Appeared In: Nonlinearity, 19 (2006) pp. 2813-2831. - 1069: Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara; Witelski, Thomas P.
Lubrication models with small to large slip lengths
Appeared In: J. Engrg. Math., 53 (2005) pp. 359-383. - 1068: Polzehl, Jörg; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Structural adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation methods - 1067: Hebermehl, Georg; Schefter, Juergen; Schlundt, Rainer; Tischler, Thorsten; Zscheile, Horst; Heinrich, Wolfgang
Simulation of microwave and semiconductor laser structures including PML: Computation of the eigen mode problem, the boundary value problem, and the scattering matrix
Appeared In: Proc. 5th International Workshop Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE), Capo D'Orlando, Italy, September 5--9, 2004, A. Anile, G. Ali, G. Mascali, eds., Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 203--214 - 1066: Elschner, Johannes; Kaiser, Hans-Christoph; Rehberg, Joachim; Schmidt, Gunther
$W^1,q$ regularity results for elliptic transmission problems on heterogeneous polyhedra
Appeared In: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 17 (2007) pp. 593--615. - 1065: Chryssoverghi, Ion; Geiser, Juergen; Al-Hawasy, Jamil
Progressively refining penalized gradient projection method for semilinear parabolic optimal control problems - 1064: Chen, Ying; Härdle, Wolfgang; Spokoiny, Vladimir
GHICA --- Risk analysis with GH distributions and independent components - 1063: Chen, Ying; Härdle, Wolfgang; Jeong, Seok-Oh
Nonparametric risk management with generalized hyperbolic distributions - 1062: Nagaev, Sergei; Wachtel, Vitali
The critical Galton--Watson process without further power moments - 1061: Bender, Christian; Kolodko, Anastasia; Schoenmakers, John G. M.
Iterating snowballs and related path dependent callables in a multi-factor Libor model
Appeared In: RISK, September 2006 pp. 126--130, under the new title: Iterating cancellable snowballs and related exotics. - 1060: Nizette, Michel; Rachinskii, Dmitrii I.; Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Wolfrum, Matthias
Pulse interaction via gain and loss dynamics in passive mode-locking
Appeared In: Phys. D, 218 (2006) pp. 95--104. - 1059: Henrion, René; Lewis, Adrian; Seeger, Alberto
Distance to uncontrollability for convex processes
Appeared In: SIAM J. Optim., 45 (2006) pp. 26--50. - 1058: Lanzara, Flavia; Maz'ya, Vladimir; Schmidt, Gunther
Approximate approximations from scattered data
Appeared In: J. Approx. Theory, 145 (2007), pp. 141--170 - 1057: Černý, Jiri
Moments and distribution of the local time of a random walk on $Z^2$ - 1056: Bovier, Anton; Faggionato, Alessandra
Spectral analysis of Sinai's walk for small eigenvalues - 1055: Krejčí, Pavel; Zheng, Songmu
Pointwise asymptotic convergence of solutions for a phase separation model
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 16 (2006) pp. 1-18. - 1054: Eppler, Karsten; Harbrecht, Helmut
Compact gradient tracking in shape optimization - 1053: Exner, Pavel; Ichinose, Takashi; Neidhardt, Hagen; Zagrebnov, Valentin
Zeno product formula revisited
Appeared In: Integral Equations Operator Theory, 57 (2007) pp. 67--81. - 1052: Fleischmann, Klaus; Mörters, Peter; Wachtel, Vitali
Hydrodynamic limit fluctuations of super-Brownian motion with a stable catalyst
Appeared In: Electron. J. Probab., 11 (2006) pp. 723-767. - 1051: Tronciu, Vasile Z.; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wolfrum, Matthias
Semiconductor laser under resonant feedback from a Fabry--Perot: Stability of continuous wave operation
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. E 73, art. no. 046205, 2006. - 1050: Giannoulis, Johannes; Mielke, Alexander
Dispersive evolution of pulses in oscillator chains with general interaction potentials
Appeared In: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 6 (2006) pp. 493--523. - 1049: Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Skryabin, Dmitry; Kozyreff, Gregory; Mandel, Paul; Tlidi, Mustapha
Bragg localized structures in a passive cavity with transverse refractive index modulation
Appeared In: Optics Express, 14 (2006) pp. 1--6. - 1048: Griepentrog, Jens André; Höppner, Wolfgang; Kaiser, Hans-Christoph; Rehberg, Joachim
A bi-Lipschitz, volume preserving map from the unit ball onto a cube
Appeared In: Note Mat., 28 (2008) pp. 185--201. - 1047: Kružík, Martin; Mielke, Alexander; Roubíček, Tomáš
Modelling of microstructure and its evolution in shape-memory-alloy single-crystals, in particular in CuAlNi
Appeared In: Meccanica, 40 (2005) pp. 389--418. - 1046: Chelminski, Krzysztof; Gwiazda, Piotr
Convergence of coercive approximations for strictly monotone quasistatic models in the inelastic deformation theory - 1045: Neidhardt, Hagen; Rehberg, Joachim
Scattering matrix, phase shift, spectral shift and trace formula for one-dimensional Schrödinger-type operators
Appeared In: Integral Equations Operator Theory, 58 (2007) pp. 407--431. - 1044: Neidhardt, Hagen; Rehberg, Joachim
Uniqueness for dissipative Schrödinger--Poisson systems
Appeared In: J. Math. Phys., 46 (2005) pp. 113513/1--113513/28. - 1043: Farago, Istvan; Geiser, Jürgen
Iterative operator-splitting methods for linear problems - 1042: Klein, Olaf; Luterotti, Fabio; Rossi, Riccarda
Existence and asymptotic analysis of a phase field model for supercooling
Appeared In: Quart. Appl. Math., 64 (2006) pp. 291-319. - 1041: Fleischmann, Klaus; Swart, Jan M.
Renormalization analysis of catalytic Wright--Fisher diffusions
Appeared In: Electron. J. Probab., 11 (2006) pp. 585-654. - 1040: Kramer, Peter; Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldy; Sabelfeld, Karl
Extensions of multiscale Gaussian random field simulation algorithms
Appeared In: J. Comput. Phys., 226 (2007) pp. 897--924. - 1039: Bandelow, Uwe; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Hüttl, Bernd; Kaiser, Ronald
Harmonic mode-locking in monolithic semiconductor lasers: Theory, simulations and experiment
Appeared In: Optical and Quantum Electronics 38, pp. 495-512, 2006. - 1038: Elschner, Johannes; Yamamoto, Masahiro
Uniqueness in determining polygonal sound-hard obstacles with a single incoming wave
Appeared In: Inverse Problems, 22 (2006) pp. 355--364. - 1037: Siegmund-Schultze, Rainer; Wagner, Wolfgang
Induced gelation in a two-site spatial coagulation model
Appeared In: Ann. Appl. Probab., 16 (2006) pp. 370-402. - 1036: Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldy; Sabelfeld, Karl
Exponential bounds for the probability deviations of sums of random fields
Appeared In: Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 12 (2006) pp. 211--229. - 1035: Dalalyan, Arnak; Reiss, Markus
Asymptotic statistical equivalence for ergodic diffusions: The multidimensional case - 1034: Geiser, Jürgen; Klein, Olaf; Philip, Peter
Influence of anisotropic thermal conductivity in the apparatus insulation for sublimation growth of SiC: Numerical investigation of heat transfer
Appeared In: Crystal Growth Design, 6 (2006) pp. 2021--2028. - 1033: Geiser, Juergen; Klein, Olaf; Philip, Peter
Numerical simulation of heat transfer in materials with anisotropic thermal conductivity: A finite volume scheme to handle complex geometries
Appeared In: Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 18 (2008) pp. 43--67. - 1032: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Herrmann, Michael; Mielke, Alexander
Micro-macro transitions in the atomic chain via Whitham's modulation equation
Appeared In: Nonlinearity, 19 (2006) pp. 471--500. - 1031: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Herrmann, Michael
Numerical experiments on the modulation theory for the nonlinear atomic chain
Appeared In: Phys. D, 237 (2008) pp. 255-282. - 1030: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Herrmann, Michael
On the approximation of periodic traveling waves for the nonlinear atomic chain - 1029: Eppler, Karsten; Harbrecht, Helmut
Coupling of FEM and BEM in shape optimization - 1028: Koprucki, Thomas; Baro, Michael; Bandelow, Uwe; Tien, Tran Q.; Weik, Fritz; Tomm, Jens W.; Grau, Markus; Amann, Markus-Christian
Electronic structure and optoelectronic properties of strained InAsSb/GaSb multi quantum wells
Appeared In: Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 181911 (2005) - 1027: Mielke, Alexander
Macroscopic behavior of microscopic oscillations in harmonic lattices via Wigner--Husimi transforms
Appeared In: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 181 (2006) pp. 401--448. - 1026: Bender, Christian; Denk, Robert
Forward simulation of backward SDEs
Appeared In: Stochastic Process. Appl., 117 (2007) pp. 1793--1812. - 1025: Fleischmann, Klaus; Wachtel, Vitali
Lower deviation probabilities for supercritical Galton--Watson processes
Appeared In: Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist., 43 (2007) pp. 233-255. - 1024: Bovier, Anton; Kurkova, Irina
A tomography of the GREM: Beyond the REM conjecture
Appeared In: Comm. Math. Phys., 263 (2006) pp. 535-552. - 1023: Bovier, Anton; Kurkova, Irina
Local energy statistics in disordered systems: A proof of the local REM conjecture
Appeared In: Comm. Math. Phys., 263 (2006) pp. 513-533. - 1022: Belomestny, Denis; Milstein, Grigori
Adaptive simulation algorithms for pricing American and Bermudan options by local analysis of the financial market - 1021: Rjasanow, Sergej; Wagner, Wolfgang
Stochastic weighted particle method -- Theory and numerical examples - 1020: Mielke, Alexander; Roubíček, Tomáš
Rate-independent damage processes in nonlinear elasticity
Appeared In: Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 16 (2006) pp. 177--209. - 1019: Elschner, Johannes; Yamamoto, Masahiro
Uniqueness in determining polygonal periodic structures
Appeared In: Z. Anal. Anwendungen 26 (2007) pp. 165-177 - 1018: Recke, Lutz; Schneider, Klaus R.
Entrainment of modulation frequency: A case study - 1017: Belomestny, Denis; Reiss, Markus
Optimal calibration for exponential Levy models
Appeared In: Finance Stoch., 10 (2006) pp. 449--474. - 1016: Eppler, Karsten; Harbrecht, Helmut; Schneider, Reinhold
On convergence in elliptic shape optimization - 1015: Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldy; Sabelfeld, Karl
Probability of error deviations for the dependent sampling Monte Carlo methods: Exponential bounds in the uniform norm - 1014: Mielke, Alexander; Timofte, Aida M.
An energetic material model for time-dependent ferroelectric behavior: Existence and uniqueness
Appeared In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 29 (2006) pp. 1393--1410. - 1013: Garcia, Alejandro L.; Wagner, Wolfgang
Generation of the Maxwellian inflow distribution - 1012: Rauscher, Markus; Münch, Andreas; Wagner, Barbara; Blossey, Ralf
A thin-film equation for viscoelastic liquids of Jeffreys type
Appeared In: Eur. Phys. J. E. Soft Matter 17 (2005), pp. 373-379. - 1011: Birkner, Matthias; Zähle, Iljana
Functional central limit theorem for the occupation time of the origin for branching random walks $dge 3$
Appeared In: Ann. Probab., 35 (2007) pp. 2063-2090. - 1010: Albers, Bettina
Monochromatic surface waves at the interface between poroelastic and fluid halfspaces - 1009: Evans, Peter; Münch, Andreas
Dynamics of a surface-gradient-driven liquid film rising from a reservoir onto a substrate
Appeared In: SIAM J. Appl. Math., 66 (2006) pp. 1610-1631. - 1008: Yanchuk, Serhiy
Discretization of frequencies in delay coupled chaotic oscillators
Appeared In: Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005) 036205 - 1007: Kolyukhin, Dmitry R.; Sabelfeld, Karl
Stochastic flow simulation in 3D porous media
Appeared In: Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 11 (2005) pp. 15--37. - 1006: Krejčí, Pavel; Rocca, Elisabetta; Sprekels, Jürgen
Nonlocal temperature-dependent phase-field models for non-isothermal phase transitions
Appeared In: J. London Math. Soc. (2), 76 (2007) pp. 197-210. - 1005: Kozyakin, Victor
Proof of a counterexample to the finiteness conjecture in the spirit of the theory of dynamical systems - 1004: Gajewski, Herbert; Gärtner, Klaus
A dissipative discretization scheme for a nonlocal phase segregation model - 1003: Wilmanski, Krzysztof
Threshold to liquefaction in granular materials as a formation of strong wave discontinuity in poroelastic media - 1002: Albers, Bettina
Surface waves on permeable and impermeable boundaries of poroelastic media - 1001: Glitzky, Annegret; Hünlich, Rolf
Stationary energy models for semiconductor devices with incompletely ionized impurities
Appeared In: Z. angew. Math. Mech. 85(11) (2005) 778-792