WIAS Preprint List
- 626: Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldi; Orszag, Steven A.; Sabelfeld, Karl K.; Yeung, P. K.
Analysis of relative dispersion of two particles by Lagrangian stochastic models and DNS methods
Appeared In: Monte Carlo Methods Appl., 7 (2001) pp. 245--263. - 625: Junghanns, Peter; Rathsfeld, Andreas
On polynomial collocation for Cauchy singular integral equations with fixed singularities
Appeared In: Integral Equations and Operator Theory 43, 2002, pp. 155-176 - 624: Schneider, Klaus R.; Fridman, Emilia
Geometric approach to vibrational control of singularly perturbed systems - 623: Leonov, Gennadi A.
The Brockett problem in the theory of nonstationary stabilization of linear differential equations - 622: Schneider, Klaus R.; Schurz, Henri
Waveform relaxation methods for stochastic differential equations - 621: Bock, Hans Georg; Egartner, Wolfgang; Kappis, Wolfgang; Schulz, Volker
Practical shape optimization for turbine and compressor blades
Appeared In: Optimization and Engineering, 3 (2002), pp. 395-414 - 620: Hebermehl, Georg; Hübner, Friedrich-Karl; Schlundt, Rainer; Zscheile, Horst; Heinrich, Wolfgang
Iterative solution of systems of linear equations in microwave circuits using a block quasi-minimal residual algorithm
Appeared In: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2001), Eds. Ursula van Rienen, Michael Günther, Dirk Hecht: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, pp. 325-333 - 619: Fleischmann, Klaus; Vatutin, Vladimir A.; Wakolbinger, Anton
Branching systems with long living particles at the critical dimension
Appeared In: Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen 47 (2002), pp. 417-451 - 618: Albers, Bettina
Dependence of adsorption/diffusion processes in porous media on bulk and surface permeabilities
Appeared In: Dependence of Adsorption/Diffusion Processes in Porous Media on Bulk and Surface Permeabilities, Arch. Mech., 53, 3, 303-320, 2001 - 617: Horowitz, Joel L.; Spokoiny, Vladimir
An adaptive, rate-optimal test of linearity for median regression models
Appeared In: Econometrica, 69, no. 3 (2201) pp. 599 - 631 under the title: An adaptive, rate-optimal test of a parametric mean-regression model against a nonparametric alternative. - 616: Griepentrog, Jens André
Linear elliptic boundary value problems with non-smooth data: Campanato spaces of functionals
Appeared In: Mathematische Nachrichten, 2002, Vol. 243, pp.19-42 - 615: Dawson, Donald A.; Etheridge, Alison M.; Fleischmann, Klaus; Mytnik, Leonid; Perkins, Edwin A.; Xiong, Jie
Mutually catalytic branching in the plane: Finite measure states
Appeared In: Ann. Prob. 30 (2002), pp. 1681-1762 - 614: Kraft, Markus; Wagner, Wolfgang
An improved stochastic algorithm for temperature-dependent homogeneous gas phase reactions
Appeared In: J. Comut. Phys. 185 (2003), pp. 139-157 - 613: Ignat, Anca; Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan
A model of a general elastic curved rod
Appeared In: Math. Methods App. Sci. 25 (2002), no. 10, pp. 835-854 - 612: Hebermehl, Georg; Hübner, Friedrich-Karl; Schlundt, Rainer; Tischler, Thorsten; Zscheile, Horst; Heinrich, Wolfgang
Numerical simulation for lossy microwave transmission lines including PML
Appeared In: Lecture Notes in Computaional Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2001), Eds. Ursula van Rienen, Michael Günther, Dirk Hecht: Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, pp. 267-275 - 611: Schoenmakers, John G. M.; Coffey, Brian
Stable implied calibration of a multi-factor LIBOR model via a semi-parametric correlation structure.
Appeared In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Vol. 6, No. 4, 1-13 (2003) under new title: Systematic Generation of Correlation Structures for the Libor Market Model. - 610: Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan
Control variational methods for differential equations
Appeared In: Optimal Control of Complex Structures (Hoffmann, K.-H., Lasiecka, I., Leugering, G., Sprekels, J., Troeltzsch, F., eds.), International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 139, 2002,Birkhaeuser, Basel [u.a.], pp. 245--257 - 609: Sabelfeld, Karl; Shalimova, Irina
Forward and backward Lagrangian stochastic models of turbulent transport - 608: Krejčí, Pavel; Laurençot, Philippe
Hysteresis filtering in the space of bounded measurable functions
Appeared In: Bollettino U. M. I. (8) 5-B (2002), pp. 755-772 - 607: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Herrmann, Michael; Kunik, Matthias
Kinetic schemes and initial boundary value problems for the Euler system
Appeared In: Transport Theory Statist. Phys., 31 (2002), pp. 1-33, with new title: Kinetic schemes and initial boundary value problems - 606: Külske, Christof
On the Gibbsian nature of the random field Kac model under block-averaging
Appeared In: J. statist. Phys. 104 (2001), pp. 991-1012 - 605: Bruckner, Gottfried; Cheng, Jin; Yamamoto, Masahiro
Uniqueness of determining a periodic structure from discrete far field observations - 604: Berglund, Nils; Gentz, Barbara
Pathwise description of dynamic pitchfork bifurcations with additive noise
Appeared In: Probab. Theory Related Fields 122 (2002) 3, 341-388 - 603: Klein, Olaf
Existence and approximation of solutions to an anisotropic phase field system of Penrose-Fife type
Appeared In: Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 4(2002)1, pp. 47-70, with new title:Existence and approximation of solutions to ananisotropic phase field system for the kinetics of phase transition. - 602: Wilmański, Krzysztof
Mathematical Theory of Porous Media. - Lecture Notes. XXV Summer School on Mathematical Physics, Ravello, September 2000 - 601: Bovier, Anton; Eckhoff, Michael; Gayrard, Veronique; Klein, Markus
Metastability and low lying spectra in reversible Markov chains
Appeared In: Comm. Math. Phys. 228 (2002), pp. 219-255 - 600: Bovier, Anton; Eckhoff, Michael; Gayrard, Véronique; Klein, Markus
Metastability and small eigenvalues in Markov chains
Appeared In: J. Phys A 33, (2000), L447-L451 - 599: Wolfrum, Matthias
A sequence of order relations, encoding heteroclinic connections in scalar parabolic PDE
Appeared In: J. Differential Equations, 183, (2002) pp. 56-78 - 598: Bohé, Adriana
Exponentially sensitive internal layer solutions of one-side and their asymptotic expansions - 597: Bandelow, Uwe; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Sieber, Jan; Wolfrum, Matthias
Impact of gain dispersion on the spatio-temporal dynamics of multisection lasers
Appeared In: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, (2001), Vol.37, no.2, pp. 183-188 - 596: Milstein, Grigori N.; Nussbaum, Michael
Maximum likelihood estimate for nonparametric signal in white noise by optimal control
Appeared In: Statistic and Probability Letters, vol. 55/2 (2001), pp. 193-203 - 595: Bovier, Anton; Kurkova, Irina; Löwe, Matthias
Fluctuations of the free energy in the REM and the $p$-spin SK models
Appeared In: Ann. Probab. 30 (2002), pp. 605-951 - 594: Radkevich, Evgeniy V.; Wilmański, Krzysztof
A Riemann problem for poroelastic materials with the balance equation for porosity. Part II - 593: Radkevich, Evgeniy V.; Wilmański, Krzysztof
A Riemann problem for poroelastic materials with the balance equation for porosity. Part I - 592: Dreyer, Wolfgang; Junk, Michael; Kunik, Matthias
On the approximation of kinetic equations by moment systems
Appeared In: Nonlinearity, 14(4):881-906, 2001 - 591: Pantelyat, Michael; Uhle, Manfred
Thermo-mechanical problems in induction heating of steel - 590: Milstein, Grigori N.; Tretyakov, Michael V.
Unidirectional transport in stochastic ratchets
Appeared In: Stochastics and Dynamics, vol.1 (2001), no.3, pp. 361-375, under new title: Noice-induced unidirectional transport. - 589: Milstein, Grigori N.; Tretyakov, Michael V.
Numerical solution of the Neumann problem for nonlinear parabolic equations by probability approach
Appeared In: IMA J. of Numerical Analysis, vol. 22 (2002), no. 4, pp. 599-622, under new title: A probabilistic approach to the solution of Neumann problem for nonlinear parabolic equations. - 588: Elschner, Johannes; Hinder, Rainer; Schmidt, Gunther
Direct and inverse problems for diffractive structures - optimization of binary gratings
Appeared In: Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future II, Springer, Berlin, 2003 - 587: Glitzky, Annegret; Hünlich, Rolf
Global properties of pair diffusion models
Appeared In: Adv. Sci. Appl. 11 (2001), pp. 293-321 - 586: Elschner, Johannes; Schmidt, Gunther
Conical diffraction by periodic structures: Variation of interfaces and gradient formulas
Appeared In: Math. Nachr. 252 (2003), pp. 24-42 - 585: Eibeck, Andreas; Wagner, Wolfgang
Stochastic particle approximations for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation
Appeared In: Ann. Appl. Probab. 11 (2001), pp. 1137-1165 - 584: Reiß, Oliver; Wystup, Uwe
Efficient computation of option price sensitivities using homogeneity and other tricks - 583: Mercurio, Danilo; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Statistical inference for time-inhomogeneous volatility models
Appeared In: Ann. Statist., vol. 12 (2004), no. 2, pp. 577-602 - 582: Bandelow, Uwe; Kaiser, Hans-Christoph; Koprucki, Thomas; Rehberg, Joachim
Modeling and simulation of strained quantum wells in semiconductor lasers
Appeared In: Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future. Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry, W. Jaeger, H.-J. Krebs, eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin heidelberg, 2003, pp. 377-390 - 581: Ignat, Anca; Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan
Analysis and optimization of nonsmooth mechanical structures
Appeared In: SIAM J. Control Optim., 40 (2001), pp. 1107--1133 - 580: Griepentrog, Jens André; Gröger, Konrad; Kaiser, Hans-Christoph; Rehberg, Joachim
Interpolation for function spaces related to mixed boundary value problems
Appeared In: Mathematische Nachrichten, 2002, Vol.241, pp. 110-120 - 579: Wilmański, Krzysztof; Albers, Bettina
Two notes on continuous modelling of porous media
Appeared In: Rational Continua, Classical and New, P. PODIO-GUIDUGLI, M. BROCATO (eds.), 183-195, Springer-Verlag, Italia Srl, Milano, 2003 - 578: Hünlich, Rolf; Albinus, Günter; Gajewski, Herbert; Glitzky, Annegret; Röpke, Wilfried; Knopke, Jürgen
Modelling and simulation of power devices for high-voltage integrated circuits
Appeared In: Mathematics - Key Technolofy for the Future. Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry, W. Jaeger, H.-J. Krebs, eds., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 401-411 - 577: Lerman, Lev M.
Dynamical phenomena near a homo- or heteroclinic connection involving saddle-foci in a Hamiltonian system - 576: Grund, Friedrich; Ehrhardt, Klaus; Borchardt, Jürgen; Horn, Dietmar
Heterogeneous dynamic process flowsheet simulation of chemical plants
Appeared In: W. Jaeger and H.-J. Krebs, editors: Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future . Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry, pages 184-193. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2003 - 575: Kurbanmuradov, Orazgeldi; Rannik, Üllar; Sabelfeld, Karl K.; Vesala, Timo
Evaluation of mean concentration and fluxes in turbulent flows by Lagrangian stochastic models
Appeared In: Math. Comput. Simulation, 54 (2001) pp. 459--476. - 574: Hömberg, Dietmar; Khludnev, Aleksander M.
An equilibrium problem for a thermoelectroconductive body with the Signorini condition on the boundary
Appeared In: Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 24 (2001) pp. 233--244. - 573: Albinus, Günter; Gajewski, Herbert; Hünlich, Rolf
Thermodynamic design of energy models of semiconductor devices
Appeared In: Nonlinearity, 15 (2002) pp. 367--383. - 572: Butuzov, Valentin F.; Nefedov, Nikolai N.; Schneider, Klaus R.
Singularly perturbed partly dissipative reaction-diffusion systems in case of exchange of stabilities - 571: Shilnikov, Leonid
Homoclinic orbits: Since Poincaré till today - 570: Kraft, Markus; Wagner, Wolfgang
Numerical study of a stochastic particle method for homogeneous gas phase reactions
Appeared In: Comput. Math. Appl. 45 (2003), pp. 329-349 - 569: Hristache, Marian; Juditsky, Anatoli; Polzehl, Jörg; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Structure adaptive approach for dimension reduction
Appeared In: Ann. Statist., 29, no. 6 (2001), pp 1537 - 1566 - 568: Edelman, Inna; Wilmanski, Krzysztof
Surface waves at an interface separating two saturated porous media - 567: Hinder, Rainer; Meister, Erhard; Nazarov, Sergueï A.
Asymptotics of solutions to Joukovskii-Kutta type problems at infinity
Appeared In: Appl. Anal., 76(2000), pp. 153-166 - 566: Krejčí, Pavel; Vladimirov, Alexander A.
Lipschitz continuity of polyhedral Skorokhod maps
Appeared In: Z. Anal. Anwendungen (J. Anal. Appl.) 20 (2001), pp. 817--844 - 565: Petzoldt, Martin
Regularity results for interface problems in 2D - 564: Engländer, János; Turaev, Dmitry
A scaling limit theorem for a class of superdiffusions - 563: Wilmański, Krzysztof
Sound and shock waves in porous and granular materials
Appeared In: V.Ciancio, A.Donato, F.Oliveri, and S.Rionero, editors, Proceedings "WASCOM 99". 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media. Vulcano, Italy, 7-12 June 1999, pages 489-503. World Scientific, Singapur [u.a.], 2001 - 562: Garcia, Alejandro L.; Wagner, Wolfgang
A new kinetic equation for dense gases - 561: Strygin, Vadim V.
Hybrid method and vibrational stability for nonlinear singularly perturbed systems under parametric excitations - 560: Shilnikov, Leonid; Turaev, Dmitry
A new simple bifurcation of a periodic orbit of "blue sky catastrophe” type - 559: Turaev, Dmitry
Multi-pulse homoclinic loops in systems with a smooth first integral - 558: Borchardt, Jürgen
Parallel numerical methods for large-scale DAE systems
Appeared In: Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 25 (2001), pp. 951-961 - 557: Shashkov, Mikhail; Turaev, Dmitry
A proof of a Shilnikov theorem for C^1-smooth dynamical systems - 556: Gonchenko, Sergey V.; Gonchenko, Vladimir S.
On Andronov-Hopf bifurcations of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies - 555: Vladimirov, Alexander A.
Duality principle for discrete linear inclusions - 554: Dreyer, Thomas; Maar, Bernd; Schulz, Volker
Multigrid optimization in applications
Appeared In: J. Comput. Appl. Math., 120(2000), No. 1-2 (Special Issue), pp. 67-84 - 553: Henrion, René; Outrata, Jiří
A subdifferential criterion for calmness of multifunctions
Appeared In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 258 (2001), pp. 110-130 - 552: Klein, Olaf; Philip, Peter; Sprekels, Jürgen; Wilmański, Krzysztof
Radiation- and convection-driven transient heat transfer during sublimation growth of silicon carbide single crystals
Appeared In: Journal of Crystal Growth, 222 (2001), pp. 832-851 - 551: Härdle, Wolfgang; Sperlich, Stefan; Spokoiny, Vladimir
Structural tests in additive regression
Appeared In: J. Amer.Stat. Acc., 96, No. 456, pp. 1333-1347, 2001 - 550: Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan
Sur les arches lipschitziennes
Appeared In: C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 331 (2000), Serie I, pp. 179-184 - 549: Schmelzer, Ilja
General ether theory - 548: Mathé, Peter; Pereverzev, Sergei V.
Optimal discretization of inverse problems in Hilbert scales. Regularization and self-regularization of projection methods
Appeared In: SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 38 (2001) pp. 1999--2021. - 547: Efendiev, Messoud A.; Fuhrmann, Jürgen; Zelik, Sergei V.
The long-time behaviour of the thermoconvective flow in a porous medium
Appeared In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 27(4), pp. 907-930, 2004 - 546: Dawson, Donald A.; Fleischmann, Klaus
Catalytic and mutually catalytic super-Brownian motions
Appeared In: Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications III, Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, Switzerland, September 19-24, 1999, R. C. Dalang, M. Dozzi,, F. Russo, (eds.), vol. 52 of Progress in Probability, Birkhaeuser-Verlag, Basel, 2002, pp. 89-110 - 545: Koprucki, Thomas; Wagner, Heinz-Jürgen
New exact ground states for one-dimensional quantum many-body systems
Appeared In: Journal of Statistical Physics 100 (2000), pp. 779-790