WIAS Preprint List: Alphonse, Amal
- 3159: Alphonse, Amal; Wachsmuth, Gerd
Subdifferentials and penalty approximations of the obstacle problem
- 3152: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Kister, Alexander; Lun, Chin Hang; Sirotenko, Clemens
A neural network approach to learning solutions of a class of elliptic variational inequalities
- 3132: Alphonse, Amal; Christof, Constantin; Hintermüller, Michael; Papadopoulos, Ioannis
A globalized inexact semismooth Newton method for nonsmooth fixed--point equations involving variational inequalities
- 3122: Alphonse, Amal; Caetano, Diego; Elliott, Charles M.; Venkataraman, Chandrasekhar
Free boundary limits of coupled bulk--surface models for receptor--ligand interactions on evolving domains
- 3093: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.; Wachsmuth, Gerd
Minimal and maximal solution maps of elliptic QVIs: Penalisation, Lipschitz stability, differentiability and optimal control
- 2994: Alphonse, Amal; Caetano, Diogo; Djurdjevac, Ana; Elliott, Charles M.
Function spaces, time derivatives and compactness for evolving families of Banach spaces with applications to PDEs
Appeared in: J. Differential Equations, 353 (2023), pp. 268-338, DOI 10.1016/j.jde.2022.12.032 . - 2962: Alphonse, Amal; Geiersbach, Caroline; Hintermüller, Michael; Surowiec, Thomas M.
Risk-averse optimal control of random elliptic VIs
- 2758: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
On the differentiability of the minimal and maximal solution maps of elliptic quasi-variational inequalities
Appeared in: J. Math. Anal. Appl., 507 (2022), pp. 125732/1--125732/19, DOI 10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125732 . - 2756: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
Optimal control and directional differentiability for elliptic quasi-variational inequalities
Appeared in: Set-Valued Var. Anal., 30 (2022), pp. 873--922, DOI 10.1007/s11228-021-00624-x . - 2747: Alphonse, Amal; Rautenberg, Carlos N.; Rodrigues, José Francisco
Analysis of a quasi-variational contact problem arising in thermoelasticity
Appeared in: Nonlinear Analysis, 217 (2022), pp. 112728/1--112728/40, DOI 10.1016/j.na.2021.112728 . - 2592: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
Existence, iteration procedures and directional differentiability for parabolic QVIs
Appeared in: Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ., 59 (2020), pp. 95/1--95/53, DOI 10.1007/s00526-020-01732-6 . - 2582: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
Stability of the solution set of quasi-variational inequalities and optimal control
Appeared in: SIAM J. Control Optim., 58 (2020), pp. 3508--3532, DOI 10.1137/19M1250327 . - 2518: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
Recent trends and views on elliptic quasi-variational inequalities
Appeared in: Topics in Applied Analysis and Optimisation, M. Hintermüller, J.F. Rodrigues, eds., CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, 2019, pp. 1--31. - 2492: Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
Directional differentiability for elliptic quasi-variational inequalities of obstacle type
Appeared in: Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ., 58 (2019), pp. 39/1--39/47, DOI 10.1007/s00526-018-1473-0 . - 2357: Alphonse, Amal; Elliott, Charles M.; Terra, Joana
A coupled ligand-receptor bulk-surface system on a moving domain: Well posedness, regularity and convergence to equilibrium
Appeared in: SIAM J. Math. Anal., 50 (2018), pp. 1544--1592, DOI 10.1137/16M110808X .