Contributions to Continuum Theories. Anniversary Volume for Krzysztof Wilmanski
- Albers, Bettina
ORCID: 0000-0003-4460-9152
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Wilmanski
List of Publications of Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Wilmanski
Bettina Albers: On Adsorption and Diffusion in Porous Media
Joerg Au and Wolf Weiss: Shock Waves in Grad's 13-Moment Theory Revisited -- A View from Extended Thermodynamics --
Millard F. Beatty: Stress-Softening in Combined Triaxial Stretch and Simple Shear of a Rectangular Solid
Gianfranco Capriz and Pasquale Giovine: Weakly Nonlocal Effects in Mechanics
Pierluigi Colli, Gianni Gilardi, Maurizio Grasseli and Giulio Schimperna: Global Existence for the Conserved Phase Field Model with Memory and Quadratic Nonlinearity
Wolfgang Dreyer: On the Austenite - Ferrite Phase Transition in Steel
Inna Edelman: Surface Waves in a Porous Medium
Marek Elzanowski: About Non-Spherically Symmetric Deformations of an Incompressible Neo-Hookean Sphere
Marcelo Epstein: A Note on Wrinkling and Saturated Elasticity
J.L. Ericksen: A Minimization Problem in the X-ray Theory
Jerzy J. Frankowski and Jan W. Osiecki: On the Method of Active Reduction of Forced Vibrations
A.A. Gubaidullin, D.N. Dudko and S.F. Urmancheyev: Impact of Air Shock Wave on Obstacle Covered by Porous Screen
Kolumban Hutter, Yongqi Wang and Erich Baeuerle: Three-Dimensional Wind-Induced Baroclinic Circulation in Rectangular Basins
David Jou: Lagrange Multipliers in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
W. Kempa: On the Mass Flux through a Permeable Boundary of a Porous Material
Dimitrios Kolymbas: Hypoplasticity - A New Paradigma for Plasticity
Pavel Krejci and Juergen Sprekels: A Thermodynamically Consistent Hysteresis Model of Thermovisco-Elastoplasticity
Matthias Kunik: The Scaling of Time and Space in Micro-Macro Transitions
B. Landkof: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Seismic Offshore Petroleum Exploration
Zhanfang Liu and Deyuan Li: On Acoustic Waves in Compressible Porous Media
Gerard A. Maugin and Arkadi Berezovski: Thermoelasticity of Inhomogeneous Solids and Finite-Volume Computations
I. Mueller and R.C. Batra: Stability of a Spherical Droplet in Solution Growing by Diffusion
W.H. Mueller and C.M. Brown: Studies on Shear-Induced Strain Fields in Cubic Materials
Piotr Perzyna: Regularization Methods of Plastic Flow Processes via Constitutive Postulates
Paolo Podio-Guidugli and Marzio Lembo: Second-Gradient Constraints in Second-Grade Materials
Tommaso Ruggeri: Maximum of Entropy Density in Equilibrium and Minimax Principle for an Hyperbolic system of Balance Laws
Stefan Seelecke: Amplification and Attenuation of Acceleration Waves in a Eulerian Fluid
Miroslav Silhavy: The Rank 1 Convex Hull of Two Isotropic Wells
Peter Strehlow: Quantum Effects of Magnetic Fluxes in Glasses
Henning Struchtrup: Positive and Negative Entropy Productions and Phase Densities for Approximate Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation
Alberto Strumia: Remarks on Relativistic M.H.D. with Finite Electrical Conductivity
L. Truskinovsky and M. Charlotte: Lattices With Next to Nearest Neighbor Interaction: Surface Relaxation and Size Effect
Lukasz A. Turski: Why Should We Teach Continuous Media Physics
Augusto Visintin: Ferromagnetism And Hysteresis Operators
William O. Williams: Snelson Tensegrity Structures
Henryk Zorski: Model of Local Rigidity in the Theory of Peptide Chain
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