Macroscopic loops in the 3D double-dimer model
- Quitmann, Alexandra
ORCID: 0000-0003-4898-1963 - Taggi, Lorenzo
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 82B26 60K35 82B20
- Random loop models, phase transitions, self-avoiding walk, dimer model, statistical mechanics
The double dimer model is defined as the superposition of two independent uniformly distributed dimer covers of a graph. Its configurations can be viewed as disjoint collections of self-avoiding loops. Our first result is that in ℤ d, d>2, the loops in the double dimer model are macroscopic. These are shown to behave qualitatively differently than in two dimensions. In particular, we show that, given two distant points of a large box, with uniformly positive probability there exists a loop visiting both points. Our second result involves the monomer double-dimer model, namely the double-dimer model in the presence of a density of monomers. These are vertices which are not allowed to be touched by any loop. This model depends on a parameter, the monomer activity, which controls the density of monomers. It is known from [Betz, Taggi] that a finite critical threshold of the monomer activity exists, below which a self-avoiding walk forced through the system is macroscopic. Our paper shows that, when d >2, such a critical threshold is strictly positive. In other words, the self-avoiding walk is macroscopic even in the presence of a positive density of monomers.
Appeared in
- Electron. Comm. Probab., 28 (2023), pp. 1--12, DOI 10.1214/23-ECP536 .
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