Adaptive non-intrusive reconstruction of solutions to high-dimensional parametric PDEs
- Eigel, Martin
ORCID: 0000-0003-2687-4497 - Farchmin, Nando
- Heidenreich, Sebastian
- Trunschke, Philipp
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 15A69 62J02 65N15 65N35 65Y20
- Uncertainty quantification, adaptivity, low-rank tensor regression, tensor train, parametric PDEs, residual error estimator, stochastic Galerkin FEM
Numerical methods for random parametric PDEs can greatly benefit from adaptive refinement schemes, in particular when functional approximations are computed as in stochastic Galerkin and stochastic collocations methods. This work is concerned with a non-intrusive generalization of the adaptive Galerkin FEM with residual based error estimation. It combines the non-intrusive character of a randomized least-squares method with the a posteriori error analysis of stochastic Galerkin methods. The proposed approach uses the Variational Monte Carlo method to obtain a quasi-optimal low-rank approximation of the Galerkin projection in a highly efficient hierarchical tensor format. We derive an adaptive refinement algorithm which is steered by a reliable error estimator. Opposite to stochastic Galerkin methods, the approach is easily applicable to a wide range of problems, enabling a fully automated adjustment of all discretization parameters. Benchmark examples with affine and (unbounded) lognormal coefficient fields illustrate the performance of the non-intrusive adaptive algorithm, showing best-in-class performance.
Appeared in
- SIAM J. Sci. Comput., (2023), pp. A457--A479, DOI 10.1137/21M1461988 .
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