Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks
- Jahnel, Benedikt
ORCID: 0000-0002-4212-0065 - Hirsch, Christian
- Cali, Eli
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 60K35 60F10 82C22
- Continuum percolation, multi-scale model, scaling limit, bounded-hop percolation, wireless communication network
We study the effects of mobility on two crucial characteristics in multi-scale dynamic networks: percolation and connection times. Our analysis provides insights into the question, to what extent long-time averages are well-approximated by the expected values of the corresponding quantities, i.e., the percolation and connection probabilities. In particular, we show that in multi-scale models, strong random effects may persist in the limit. Depending on the precise model choice, these may take the form of a spatial birth-death process or a Brownian motion. Despite the variety of structures that appear in the limit, we show that they can be tackled in a common framework with the potential to be applicable more generally in order to identify limits in dynamic spatial network models going beyond the examples considered in the present work.
Appeared in
- Stochastic Process. Appl., published online on 16.06.2022 (2022), DOI 10.1016/ .
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