Sobolev spaces with non-Muckenhoupt weights, fractional elliptic operators, and applications
- Antil, Harbir
- Rautenberg, Carlos N.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9497-9296
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 35S15 26A33 65R20 65N30
- Variable weights, non Muckenhoupt weights, new trace theorem, fractional Laplacian with variable exponent, image denoising
We propose a new variational model in weighted Sobolev spaces with non-standard weights and applications to image processing. We show that these weights are, in general, not of Muckenhoupt type and therefore the classical analysis tools may not apply. For special cases of the weights, the resulting variational problem is known to be equivalent to the fractional Poisson problem. The trace space for the weighted Sobolev space is identified to be embedded in a weighted L2 space. We propose a finite element scheme to solve the Euler-Lagrange equations, and for the image denoising application we propose an algorithm to identify the unknown weights. The approach is illustrated on several test problems and it yields better results when compared to the existing total variation techniques.
Appeared in
- SIAM J. Math. Anal., 51 (2019), pp. 2479--2503, DOI 10.1137/18M1224970 .
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