3D numerical simulations of THz generation by two-color laser filaments
- Bergé, Luc
- Skupin, Stefan
- Köhler, Christian
- Babushkin, Ihar
- Herrmann, Joachim
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 78A60 35Q61 35Q60
2008 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
- 42.65.Jx 32.80.Fb 52.38.Hb 52.25.Os
- THz light generation, Photoionization, Ultrashort pulse propagation
Terahertz (THz) radiation produced by the filamentation of two-color pulses over long distances in argon is numerically investigated using a comprehensive model in full space-time resolved geometry. We show that the dominant physical mechanism for THz generation in the filamentation regime at clamping intensity is based on quasi-dc plasma currents. The calculated THz spectra for different pump pulse energies and pulse durations are in agreement with previously reported experimental observations. For the same pulse parameters, near-infrared pump pulses at 2 $mu$m are shown to generate a more than one order of magnitude larger THz yield than pumps centered at 800 nm.
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