Multistability of twisted states in non-locally coupled Kuramoto-type models
- Girnyk, Taras
- Hasler, Martin
- Maistrenko, Yuriy
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 37C75
2008 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
- 05.45.Xt 02.60.-x
- Chaos, Nonlinear dynamical systems, Numerical analysis, Oscillators
A ring of N identical phase oscillators with interactions between L-nearest neighbors is considered, where L ranges from 1 (local coupling) to N/2 (global coupling). The coupling function is a simple sinusoid, as in the Kuramoto model, but with a minus sign which has a profound influence on its behavior. Without limitation of the generality the frequency of the free-running oscillators can be set to zero. The resulting system is of gradient type and therefore all its solutions converge to an equilibrium point. All so-called q-twisted states, where the phase difference between neighboring oscillators on the ring is 2 pi q/N are equilibrium points, where q is an integer. Their stability in the limit N -> inf. is discussed along the line of1. In addition we prove that when a twisted state is asymptotically stable for the infinite system, it is also asymptotically stable for sufficiently large N. Note that for smaller N, the same q-twisted states may become unstable and other q-twisted states may become stable. Finally, the existence of additional equilibrium states, called here multi-twisted states, is shown by numerical simulation. The phase difference between neighboring oscillators is approximately 2 pi q/N in one sector of the ring, -2 pi q/N in another sector, and it has intermediate values between the two sectors. Our numerical investigation suggests that the number of different stable multi-twisted states grows exponentially as N -> inf. It is possible to interpret the equilibrium points of the coupled phase oscillator network as trajectories of a discrete-time translational dynamical system where the space-variable (position on the ring) plays the role of time. The q-twisted states are then fixed points and the multi-twisted states are periodic solutions of period N that are close to a heteroclinic cycle. Due to the apparently exponentially fast growing number of such stable periodic solutions, the system shows spatial chaos as N -> 1.
Appeared in
- CHAOS Vol. 22, 2012, pp. 013114/1--013114/10
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