WIAS Preprint No. 1288, (2008)
Maximal parabolic regularity for divergence operators including mixed boundary conditions
- Haller-Dintelmann, Robert
- Rehberg, Joachim
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 35A05 35B65 35K15 35K20
- Maximal parabolic regularity, quasilinear parabolic equations, mixed Dirichlet-Neumann conditions
We show that elliptic second order operators $A$ of divergence type fulfill maximal parabolic regularity on distribution spaces, even if the underlying domain is highly non-smooth and $A$ is complemented with mixed boundary conditions. Applications to quasilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth data are presented.
Appeared in
- J. Differential Equations, 247 (2009) pp. 1354--1396.
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