WIAS Preprint No. 953, (2004)

Effects of nonlocal feedback on traveling fronts in neural fields subject to transmission delay


  • Hutt, Axel

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 45J05 92C20

2008 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme

  • 02.50.Sk 05.45.Xt 05.10.-a


  • nonlocal neural activity, traveling wave front, constant feedback delay




The work introduces a model for reciprocal connections in neural fields by a nonlocal feedback mechanism, while the neural field exhibits nonlocal interactions and intra-areal transmission delays. We study the speed of traveling fronts with respect to the transmission delay, the spatial feedback range and the feedback delay for general axonal and feedback connectivity kernels. In addition, we find a novel shape of traveling fronts due to the applied feedback and criteria for its occurence are derived.

Appeared in

  • Phys. Rev. E *70*, 052902 (2004)

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