Transient conductive-radiative heat transfer: Discrete existence and uniqueness for a finite volume scheme*
- Klein, Olaf
ORCID: 0000-0002-4142-3603 - Philip, Peter
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 45K05 65M99 35K05 35K55 65N22 47H10 80A20
- Integro-partial differential equations, Finite volume method, Nonlinear parabolic PDEs, Integral operators, Nonlocal interface conditions, Diffuse-gray radiation, Maximum principle
This article presents a finite volume scheme for transient nonlinear heat transport equations coupled by nonlocal interface conditions modeling diffuse-gray radiation between the surfaces of (both open and closed) cavities. The model is considered in three space dimensions, modifications for the axisymmetric case are indicated. Proving a maximum principle as well as existence and uniqueness for roots to a class of discrete nonlinear operators that can be decomposed into a scalar-dependent sufficiently increasing part and a benign rest, we establish a discrete maximum principle for the finite volume scheme, yielding discrete L∞-L∞ a priori bounds as well as a unique discrete solution to the finite volume scheme.
Appeared in
- Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 15 (2005), 227-258
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