Mutually catalytic branching in the plane: Infinite measure states
- Dawson, Donald A.
- Etheridge, Alison M.
- Fleischmann, Klaus
- Mytnik, Leonid
- Perkins, Edwin A.
- Xiong, Jie
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 60K35 60G57 60J80
- Catalyst, reactant, measure-valued branching, interactive branching, state-dependent branching, two-dimensional process, absolute continuity, self-similarity, collision measure, collision local time, martingale problem, moment equations, segregation of types, coexistence of types, self-duality, long-term behavior, scaling, Feynman integral
A two-type infinite-measure-valued population in R2 is constructed which undergoes diffusion and branching. The system is interactive in that the branching rate of each type is proportional to the local density of the other type. For a collision rate sufficiently small compared with the diffusion rate, the model is constructed as a pair of infinite-measure-valued processes which satisfy a martingale problem involving the collision local time of the solutions. The processes are shown to have densities at fixed times which live on disjoint sets and explode as they approach the interface of the two populations. In the long-term limit (in law), local extinction of one type is shown. The process constructed is a rescaled limit of the corresponding Z2 lattice model studied by Dawson and Perkins (1998) and resolves the large scale mass-time-space behavior of that model under critical scaling. This part of a trilogy extends results from the finite-measure-valued case, whereas uniqueness questions are again deferred to the third part.
Appeared in
- Electron. J. Probab. 7 (2002), No. 15, 61 pp.
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