WIAS Preprint No. 447, (1998)
A Metric Theory of Gravity with Condensed Matter Interpretation
- Schmelzer, Ilja
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 83D05 83C45
- quantum gravity
We define a metric theory of gravity with preferred Newtonian frame (Xi(x),T(x)) by
L = LGR + ΞgμνδijXi,μXj,ν - 𝛶gμνT,μT,ν
It allows a condensed matter interpretation which generalizes LET to gravity. The Ξ-term influences the age of the universe. 𝛶 > 0 allows to avoid big bang singularity and black hole horizon formation. This solves the horizon problem without inflation. An atomic hypothesis solves the ultraviolet problem by explicit regularization. We give a prediction for cutoff length.
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