WIAS Preprint No. 90, (1994)
An analysis of crystal dissolution fronts in flows through porous media. Part I: Homogeneous charge distribution
- Hengst, Sabine
- Knabner, Peter
- van Duijn, Cornelius J.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 35K55 35K57 35R35 35B30 76S05
- Transport, travelling wave, crystal dissolution, porous media, mathematical analysis
We propose a model for transport of solutes in a porous medium participating in a dissolution/precipitation reaction, in general not in equilibrium. For an unbounded spatial domain, travelling wave solutions exists, if and only if the charge distribution is constant and we deal with a dissolution situation. The travelling wave in fact exhibits a sharp dissolution front. The wave is given in a nearly explicit manner. Also for the limit cases of equilibrium reaction or no dispersion, travelling waves are established under the same conditions, but with different qualitative properties.
Appeared in
- Adv. Water Resources, 18 (1995), pp. 171--185
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