WIAS Preprint No. 3099, (2024)

Desynchronization of temporal solitons in Kerr cavities with pulsed injection


  • Dolinina, Daria
  • Huyet, Guillaume
  • Turaev, Dmitry
  • Vladimirov, Andrei G.
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7540-8380

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 78A60 35B32 35C08

2010 Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme

  • 42.65.-k 42.65.Sf 42.65.Pc 42.65.Tg 05.45.-a


  • Temporal cavity solitons, passive optical cavity, inhomogeneous injection




A numerical and analytical study was conducted to investigate the bifurcation mechanisms that cause desynchronization between the soliton repetition frequency and the frequency of external pulsed injection in a Kerr cavity described by the Lugiato--Lefever equation. The results suggest that desynchronization typically occurs through an Andronov--Hopf bifurcation. Additionally, a sim- ple and intuitive criterion for this bifurcation to occur is proposed.

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