WIAS Preprint No. 2893, (2021)

Anisothermal chemical reactions: Onsager--Machlup and macroscopic fluctuation theory


  • Renger, D. R. Michiel
    ORCID: 0000-0003-3557-3485

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 60F10 60J27 80A30 82B35 82C35


  • Anisothermal chemical reactions, particle system, large deviations, quasipotential, Onsager--Machlup, macroscopic fluctuation theory




We study a micro and macroscopic model for chemical reactions with feedback between reactions and temperature of the solute. The first result concerns the quasipotential as the large-deviation rate of the microscopic invariant measure. The second result is an application of modern Onsager-Machlup theory to the pathwise large deviations, in case the system is in detailed balance. The third result is an application of macroscopic fluctuation theory to the reaction flux large deviations, in case the system is in complex balance.

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