On multi-species diffusion with size exclusion
- Hopf, Katharina
ORCID: 0000-0002-6527-2256 - Burger, Martin
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 35K59 35K65 35A02 35B35
- Cross diffusion, size exclusion, volume filling, gradient-flow structure, degenerate nonlinear mobility, weak-strong stability, large-data weak solutions, long-time asymptotics, relative entropy, convexity
We revisit a classical continuum model for the diffusion of multiple species with size-exclusion constraint, which leads to a degenerate nonlinear cross-diffusion system. The purpose of this article is twofold: first, it aims at a systematic study of the question of existence of weak solutions and their long-time asymptotic behaviour. Second, it provides a weak-strong stability estimate for a wide range of coefficients, which had been missing so far. In order to achieve the results mentioned above, we exploit the formal gradient-flow structure of the model with respect to a logarithmic entropy, which leads to best estimates in the full-interaction case, where all cross-diffusion coefficients are non-zero. Those are crucial to obtain the minimal Sobolev regularity needed for a weak-strong stability result. For meaningful cases when some of the coefficients vanish, we provide a novel existence result based on approximation by the full-interaction case.
Appeared in
- Nonlinear Anal., 224 (2022), pp. 113092/1--113092/27 (published online on 03.08.2022), DOI 10.1016/j.na.2022.113092 .
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