Universität des
Fachrichtung 6.1 - Mathematik
Prof. Dr. Volker John
Workshop VMS
The workshop Variational Multiscale Methods
2008 will be held at Saarland University in
Saarbrücken, Germany, on
Monday - Tuesday 23.-24.06.2008
This workshop is the fourth in a series initiated by Gert Lube
in 2004. Following the initial workshop in Göttingen, the
second was organized by Malte Braack in Heidelberg (2005) and the third
by Erik Burman in Lausanne (2007).
The topics of the workshop are not restricted to Variational
Multiscale methods. Related topics, such as Large Eddy Simulation of
turbulent flows or stabilized methods for scalar equations, are
welcome. This variety of topics will hopefully stimulate many
- Saarland University, Building E 1.1, Room 407
getting to the university and site map of the campus
- There are number of buses from Saarbrücken
to the university
- from town hall/Johannis church lines 101, 102, 109,
111, 150
- from the central station lines 102, 112, 124
Check the departure times
here .
- In the morning, the buses go every 10-15 minutes.
- The bus ride is about 17 minutes.
- From stop 'University Campus', one has to walk five
minutes to the conference location.
- From stop 'University Mensa', one has to walk two
minutes to the conference location.
Program of VMS 2008
- 9.10 - 9.20 opening
- 9.20 - 9.55 Jean-Luc
Guermond (College Station),
- 9.55 - 10.30
Jens Lang (Darmstadt),
On LES Modelling and Numerical Errors
- 11.00 - 11.35 Gert Lube
(Göttingen), (with Lars Roehe), Minimal stabilisation
techniques for incompressible flows
- 11.35 - 12.10 Ramon Codina
Taus for systems
- 13.15 - 13.50 Pierre Sagaut
Some achievements in multiscale subgrid modelling
- 13.50 - 14.25 Johan Hoffman
Computing turbulence by General Galerkin methods
- 14.55 - 15.30 Stefan
Turek (Dortmund),
FEM multigrid techniques and LCR formulation for
viscoelastic high We number flows
- 15.30 - 16.05 Bernard
Geurts (Enschede),
Computational error-analysis for large-eddy simulation
- 16.05 - 16.40 Volker
Gravemeier (München),
An Algebraic Variational Multiscale-Multigrid Method for Large Eddy
Simulation of Turbulent Flows
- 17.10 - 17.45 Malte
Braack (Kiel),
Optimal control in fluid mechanics
by finite elements with symmetric stabilization
- 17.45 - 18.20 Gunar Matthies
(Bochum) ,
The local projection method applied to inf-sup stable discretisations
of the Oseen problem Matthies
- 20.00 - ? dinner
Photos of VMS 2008
photos of VMS 2008 (part I)
photos of
VMS 2008 (part II)
photos of VMS 2008 (part III)
for further information on
Accomodation of VMS 2008:
The participants of VMS 2008 are accomodated in two hotels
in the centre of Saarbrucken:
Sponsors of VMS 2008:
The workshop VMS 2008 is partially
sponsored by the
DFG high priority program Efficient Mathematical Modeling in Fluid
Mechanics and Meteorology (MetStröm).
The MetStröm program, which started in
autumn 2007, is the most important research program in Germany
concerning the simulation of multiscale phenomena in flows.