Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung 6.1 - Mathematik
Prof. Dr. Volker John
Workshop VMS 2008


The workshop Variational Multiscale Methods 2008 will be held at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, on

Monday - Tuesday 23.-24.06.2008

This workshop is the fourth in a series initiated by Gert Lube in 2004. Following the initial workshop in Göttingen, the second was organized by Malte Braack in Heidelberg (2005) and the third by Erik Burman in Lausanne (2007).

The topics of the workshop are not restricted to Variational Multiscale methods. Related topics, such as Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows or stabilized methods for scalar equations, are welcome. This variety of topics will hopefully stimulate many discussions.

Program of VMS 2008



Photos of VMS 2008
photos of VMS 2008 (part I)
photos of VMS 2008 (part II)
photos of VMS 2008 (part III)

for further information on LPS-methods: http://www.num.math.uni-goettingen.de/lps_workshop_2008/

Accomodation of VMS 2008:
The participants of VMS 2008 are accomodated in two hotels in the centre of Saarbrucken:

Sponsors of VMS 2008:
The workshop VMS 2008 is partially sponsored by the DFG high priority program Efficient Mathematical Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Meteorology (MetStröm). The MetStröm program, which started in autumn 2007, is the most important research program in Germany concerning the simulation of multiscale phenomena in flows.