Week 1: Intro

Introductory remarks

First contact: Pluto

First contact: Julia


In order to set you up with a running Julia/Pluto installation I would like you to try to run this Pluto notebook in your browser. Upon success, you should see something like this.

As a result of the homework please send me the result of the html export.

I shortly repeat the installation steps:

using Pkg
using Pluto

As a result, you should see the introductory notebook page in your browser. Open the notebook file hw01-pluto-featuretest.jl in the file chooser of that page (not the browser). Upon the first time, a number of Julia packages will be downloaded.

Please report if you can see the graphics and if you can move the slider. Use a private message or email if it is successful. You can post problems in the homework stream in zulip.