Recent Developments in Spatial Interacting Random Systems

SPP2265: Workshop

An occasion used to celebrate Wolfgang König's 60th birthday.

Berlin, October 15–17, 2025

Registration will open beginning of May and is limited to 50 participants.

The goal of the workshop is to bring to together senior experts as well as young researchers in the rich field of interacting random systems that are spatially embedded. The study of dynamical models like interacting particle systems and complex networks help to understand macroscopic phenomena in a broad variety of fields, such as the Bose-Einstein condensation in statistical mechanics, particle coagulation, mass transport through random fields, as well as connectivity properties of communication networks. Many of these subjects are within the core field of interest of the stochastics groups at the Weierstrass Institute in the past 15 years and beyond, and have seen an ever increasing interest for example through the running SPP2265 on random geometric systems.

The scientific programme will start on the morning of Wednesday, October 15, and end the early afternoon on Friday, October 17.
Here you find a tentative:

Timetable and Abstracts

Invited speakers

Luisa Andreis (Milan)
Marek Biskup (Los Angeles)
Erwin Bolthausen (Zurich)
Orphee Collin (Paris)
Alexander Drewitz (Cologne)
Nina Gantert (Munich)
Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven)
Frank den Hollander (Leiden)
Sabine Jansen (Munich)
Peter Mörters (Cologne)
Nicolas Petrelis (Nantes)
Michele Salvi (Rome)
Nadia Sidorova (London)
Florian Theil (Warwick)
Andras Tobias (Budapest)
Quirin Vogel (Munich)
Simone Warzel (Munich)
Alexander Zass (Berlin)


© Weierstrass Institute.

The venue of the workshop is the main building of the Weierstrass Institute at Mohrenstraße 39 in 10117 Berlin-Mitte.

The scientific programme will take place in the Erhard-Schmidt-Saal (ground floor), while the coffee breaks will be served in the lobby nextdoor.

Getting there

The Institute is close to the U-Bahn stations Stadtmitte and Hausvogteiplatz, on the U2 line.

See Hotel for speakers how to get to the institute from the Motel One Alexanderplatz.

Suggestions for lunch places

There are many places around where one can get lunch, below are listed a few. For most places it may be difficult to find enough space for bigger groups, some we made some indications of what sizes of tables one could expect to get.

Chupenga - Burritos (3min walk)
Lunch Time - Italian food (3min walk, tables for pm 4 people)
Noumi - Asian food (4min walk, tables for pm 4 people)
Thy My Marie - Vietnamese food (2min walk)
Fontana di Trevi - Italian food (4min walk)
Huong Lua - Vietnamese food (11min walk)
Ishin - Japanese food (13min walk)
China town (6min walk)

The organisers have reserved hotel rooms only for the speakers at the hotel Motel One Berlin-Alexanderplatz.

The other participants should arrange their own accomodation. Unfortunately, at the same moment there is a fair taking place, which caused the prices to be higher than usual.

From Motel-One Alexanderplatz one can either walk about 22 minutes or take the U2 from Alexanderplatz to Hausvogteiplatz (about 12 minutes in total):

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at [Email address will be added at the beginning of May]. For questions about the webpage, please contact Willem van Zuijlen.

Homepage of the SPP2265.