Using the HighVoronoi Library

We collect some examples how the package is meant to be applied.

SKIP ''Mesh generation'' and study the ''Finite Volume methods'' section first

If you are interested in Finite Volume methods but you do not want to go to much into details on mesh generation, you may skipt this first part. However, for setting up several different problems on large dimensions, recycling mesh data and using mesh refinement techniques, it is strongly advised to study the capabilities of the VoronoiGeometry data structure in a second approach.

Mesh generation and integration

Mesh generation in form of a VoronoiGeometry relies on the following data: A set of points (VoronoiNodes), a boundary (Boundary, cuboid), the choice of an integrator method and the optional choice of a function to be integrated (integrand = x->...). Points and boundaries can also be retrieved from a formerly calculated VoronoiGeometry.

The intentions how this is done are demonstrated in the following examples:

  1. Example 1: Basics
  2. Example 2: Integration on fully periodic grid
  3. Example 3: Non-periodic bounded domain with data storage
  4. Example 4: Load and integrate new function
  5. Example 5: Copy and integrate new function
  6. Example 6: Mesh-Refinement
  7. Example 7: Mesh-Refinement with locally new integrand

Future extensions imply the fast, efficient generation of large quasi-periodic meshes in high dimensions. These meshes shall then be locally refined according to the user's needs.

Example 1: Basics

Generate a 3D mesh of 100 Points with no boundary. Calculates only verteces and neighbors.

xs = VoronoiNodes( rand(3,100) )
vg = VoronoiGeometry(xs, integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_GEOMETRY)
vd = VoronoiData(vg, getverteces=true)   
# vd.neighbors contains for each node `i` a list of all neighbors
# vd.verteces contains for each node `i` a list of all verteces that define the cell.

Example 2: Integration on fully periodic grid

Generate a 5D mesh of 1000 points with periodic boundary conditions on a unit cube $(0,1)^5$. It then uses triangulation integration to integrate the function

\[x\mapsto\left(\begin{array}{c}\|x\| \\ x_1x_2\end{array}\right)\]

For general polygon domains see here.

xs2 = VoronoiNodes( rand(5,1000) )
vg2 = VoronoiGeometry(xs2, cuboid(5), integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON, integrand = x->[norm(x),x[1]*x[2]])
vd2 = VoronoiData(vg2)    
  • vd2.volume[i] and vd2.bulk_integral[i] contain the volume of cell $i$ and the integral of integrand over cell $i$
  • vd2.neighbors[i] contains an array of all neighbors of $i$.
  • for each $j$ the field vd2.area[i][j] contains the interface area between $i$ and vd2.neighbors[i][j].
  • for each $j$ the field vd2.interface_integral[i][j] contains the integral of integrand over the interface area between $i$ and vd2.neighbors[i][j].

If $j\not=k$ but vd2.neighbors[i][j]==vd2.neighbors[i][k] this means that $i$ shares two differnt interfaces with n=vd2.neighbors[i][j]. This happens due to periodicity and low number of nodes in relation to the dimension.

Example 3: Non-periodic bounded domain with data storage

Like Example 2 but we store and load the data:

xs3 = VoronoiNodes( rand(5,1000) )
vg3 = VoronoiGeometry(xs3, cuboid(5,periodic=[2]), integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON, integrand = x->[norm(x),x[1]*x[2]])
write_jld(vg3, "my5Dexample.jld")
vg3_reload_vol = VoronoiGeometry("my5Dexample.jld")

The mesh vg3 is periodic only in direction of $e_2=(0,1,0,0,0)$. The variable vg3_reload_vol now contains a copy of nodes, verteces, volumes and areas in vg3. It contains NOT the integral values.

vg3_a = VoronoiGeometry("my5Dexample.jld", bulk=true, interface=true)

The variable vg3_a contains also the integrated values. However, the method will prompt a warning because no integrand is provided. Hence try the following:

vg3_modified = VoronoiGeometry("my5Dexample.jld", bulk=true, interface=true, integrand = x->[x[5],sqrt(abs(x[3]))])
vg3_full = VoronoiGeometry("my5Dexample.jld", bulk=true, interface=true, integrand = x->[norm(x),x[1]*x[2]])

The method VoronoiGeometry(filename) DOES compare the dimensions of the integrand with the stored data. However, it DOES NOT compare wether the original and the newly provided function are the same.

Example 4: Load and integrate new function

We can also recycle efficiently the stored geometry by using its volumes and interfaces and integrate another function using the VI_HEURISTIC integrator.

vg4 = VoronoiGeometry("my5Dexample.jld", integrand = x->[x[1]*x[5],sqrt(abs(x[3])),sum(abs2,x)],integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_HEURISTIC)

This will cause a warning stating that the new integrator VI_HEURISTIC does not match the original integrator. Just ignore it. You can also use VI_POLYGON or VI_MONTECARLO but this will take much more time for the integration.

Example 5: Copy and integrate new function

Similar to the last example, we may also directly copy vg3

vg5 = VoronoiGeometry(vg3, integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_HEURISTIC, integrand = x->[sum(abs2,x)])

Example 6: Mesh-Refinement

Say the user has created or loaded a VoronoiGeometry and wants to add some more points. In our case, we create a partially periodic mesh in $3D$ with 1000 points in $(0,1)^3$ and afterwards add 100 Points in $(0,0.1)^3$ for higher resolution in this region.

vg6 = VoronoiGeometry( VoronoiNodes(rand(3,1000)), cuboid(3,periodic=[2]), 
                      integrand=x->[sum(abs,x)], integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON)
refine!(vg6, VoronoiNodes(0.1.*rand(3,100)))                      

If, for whatever reason, the user does not want the algorithm to update the volumes, areas, integrals, ... he may add the command update=false.

Example 7: Mesh-Refinement with locally new integrand

We modify Example 6:

vg7 = VoronoiGeometry( VoronoiNodes(rand(3,1000)), cuboid(3,periodic=[2]), 
                      integrand=x->[sum(abs,x)], integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON)
vg7b = VoronoiGeometry( vg7, bulk=true, interface=true, integrand=x->[sqrt(sum(abs2,x))])
refine!(vg7b, VoronoiNodes(0.1.*rand(3,100)))                      

Because bulk=true and interface=true, vg7b simply copies all data from vg7, including the integrated values of f(x)=[sum(abs,x)]. However, when the refine! function is called, the local integral on every modified interface and cell will be recalculated using the new function f2(x)=[sqrt(sum(abs2,x))]. This means in the new cell we completly have integrated values of f2 while on old and non-modified cells we still have integrated values of f. On cells that have been partially modified, the new integral is an interpolation between the old and the new function.

Finite Volume problems: Generating the matrix and the right hand side from data

The most simple way to implement a Finite Volume discretization within HighVoronoi is to provide

  • a list of nodes
  • a domain
  • a list of parameter functions to evaluated pointwise or in an averaged sense
  • a description of the flux in terms of the Voronoi mesh and the pointwise/averaged data
  • a description of right hand side in terms of the Voronoi mesh and the pointwise/averaged data
  • a description of the boundary conditions (note that periodic boundary conditions are in fact implemented as a part of the MESH and cannot be modified at this stage)

We provide the following two examples covering both intentions of use

  1. Example 1: Most simple way from scratch
  2. Example 2: Relying on preexisting VoronoiGeometry

Example 1: Most simple way from scratch

We create #nop points within $(0,1)^3$ and prescribe $(0,1)^3$ as our domain for the mesh generation. We define functions $\kappa(x)=1+\|x\|^2$ and $f(x)=\sin(2*\pi*x_1)$. Then we make use of VoronoiFVProblem to set up the discrete equation

\[\forall i: \qquad \sum_{j\sim i}p_{ij}u_i-p_{ji}u_j=F_i\]


\[\left(p_{ij},p_{ji}\right)=\mathrm{myflux}=\left(\frac{1}{|x_i-x_j|}m_{ij}*\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}\,,\;\frac{1}{|x_i-x_j|}m_{ij}*\sqrt{\kappa_i\kappa_j}\right)\,,\qquad F_i=m_i*f(x_i)\,.\]

This is a discretization of

\[-\nabla\cdot(\kappa\nabla u)=f\qquad\mathrm{on}\,(0,1)^3\,.\]

As boundary conditions we implement for $J=-\kappa\nabla u$ and outer normal $\nu$:

\[\begin{align*} 1.& & u(x) & =\sin(\pi x_2)\sin(\pi x_3) & \quad\text{on } & \{0,1\}\times(0,1)^2\,,\\ 2.& & u(x) & =0 & \quad\text{on } & (0,1)\times\{0,1\}\times(0,1)\,,\\ 3.& & j\cdot\nu & =1 & \quad\text{on } & (0,1)^2\times\{0,1\}\,,\\ \end{align*}\]

Accodring to the internal structure of the cube, BC 1. corresponds to the surface planes [1,2], BC 2. corresponds to the surface planes [3,4] and BC 3. correpsonds to the surface planes [5,6]. More information on boundaries is given here.

using LinearAlgebra
using SpecialFunctions
using SparseArrays

function myflux(;para_i,para_j,mass_ij,normal,kwargs...) 
    # kwargs... collects all additional parameters which are not used in the current function.
    weight = norm(normal)^(-1) * mass_ij * sqrt(para_i[:kappa]*para_j[:kappa])
    return weight, weight

myRHS(;para_i,mass_i,kwargs...) = mass_i * para_i[:f] 

function test_FV_3D(nop)
    vfvp = VoronoiFVProblem( VoronoiNodes( rand(3,nop) ), cuboid(3,periodic=[]), 
                                discretefunctions = (f=x->sin(2*pi*x[1]),), # evaluate f pointwise
                                integralfunctions = (kappa=x->1.0+norm(x)^2,), # calculate averages of kappa over cells and interfaces
                                fluxes = ( j1 = myflux, ),
                                rhs_functions = (F = myRHS,) )
    # turn functions that depend on x into the required HighVoronoi-format:
    homogeneous = FVevaluate_boundary(x->0.0)
    one = FVevaluate_boundary(x->1.0)
    non_hom = FVevaluate_boundary(x->sin(pi*x[2])*sin(pi*x[3]))

    r,c,v,f = linearVoronoiFVProblem(   vfvp, flux = :j1, rhs = :F, 
                                    Neumann = ([5,6],one), 
                                    Dirichlet = (([3,4],homogeneous), ([1,2],non_hom),), )
    A = sparse(r,c,v) # a sparse matrix with rows `r`, coloumns `c` and values `v`
    # solution_u = somelinearsolver(A,f)



Example 2: Relying on preexisting VoronoiGeometry

We build a 5D-mesh in the unit cube of 5000 points using VoronoiGeometry and store it for later use. Since we have plenty of time, we do it using the exact VI_POLYGON integrator.

write_jld( VoronoiGeometry( VoronoiNodes(rand(5,5000)), cuboid(5,periodic=[]), integrator=HighVoronoi.VI_POLYGON ), "my5Dmesh.jld" )

Next, we want to use this stored grid to immplement the above example in 5D, adding homogeneous Dirichlet conditions in the remaining dimensions. However, we also want :f to be evaluated in an averaged sence, not pointwise. Since we will need their specification in two places, we fix them once and for all:

my_functions = (f=x->sin(2*pi*x[1]), kappa=x->1.0+norm(x)^2,)

We need to integrate $\kappa$ and $f$ the moment we load the geometry from file. To make sure the integrated data will match the needs of the Finite Volume algorithm, we use FunctionComposer:

composed_function = FunctionComposer(reference_argument=zeros(Float64,5), super_type=Float64; my_functions...).functions

The definitions of myflux and myRHS are independent from the dimension and can just be taken from above.

function test_FV_5D_from_file()_
    my_functions = (f=x->sin(2*pi*x[1]), kappa=x->1.0+norm(x)^2,)
    composed_function = FunctionComposer(   reference_argument=zeros(Float64,5), 
                                            super_type=Float64; my_functions...).functions

    vg = VoronoiGeometry( "my5Dmesh.jld",   integrator = HighVoronoi.VI_HEURISTIC, 
                                            integrand = composed_function)

    vfvp = VoronoiFVProblem( vg, integralfunctions = my_functions, 
                                 fluxes = ( j1 = myflux, ),
                                 rhs_functions = (F = myRHS,) )

    homogeneous = FVevaluate_boundary(x->0.0)
    one = FVevaluate_boundary(x->1.0)
    non_hom = FVevaluate_boundary(x->sin(pi*x[2])*sin(pi*x[3]))

    r,c,v,f = linearVoronoiFVProblem(   vfvp, flux = :j1, rhs = :F, Neumann = ([5,6],one), 
                                Dirichlet = (([3,4,7,8,9,10],homogeneous), ([1,2],non_hom),), )
    A = sparse(r,c,v) # a sparse matrix with rows `r`, coloumns `c` and values `v`
    # solution_u = somelinearsolver(A,f)