Projects | Publications | Preprints |
Talk |
Uniform exponential decay of the free energy for Voronoi finite
volume discretized reaction-diffusion systems
82nd Annual Meeting GAMM, April 18-21, 2011, Graz, Austria, 2011 April 20 |
Poster |
Voronoi finite volume methods for semiconductor problems
WIAS Berlin, June 2010 |
Talk |
Uniform exponential decay of the free energy for Voronoi finite
volume discretized reaction-diffusion systems
8th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, special session on Reaction Diffusion Systems 2010, TU Dresden, 2010 May 26 |
Talk |
Existence of bounded steady state solutions to spin-polarized
drift-diffusion systems
Workshop on Drift Diffusion Systems and Related Problems: Analysis, Algorithms and Computations, WIAS, 2010, Berlin, 2010 March 25 |
Poster |
Modeling of electronic properties of interfaces in solar cells
TU Berlin, January 2010 |
Talk |
Discrete Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities using the W1,p
seminorm in the setting of Voronoi
finite volume approximations
International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations, WIAS 2009, Berlin, 2009 December 3 |
Talk |
Discrete Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities for Voronoi
finite volume approximations
ÖMG-DMV Congress 2009, Graz, 2009 September 21 |
Poster |
Semiconductor models with spin-polarization
WIAS Berlin, March 2009 |
Talk |
Energy estimates for continuous and discretized
reaction-diffusion systems in heterostructures
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2008, Erlangen, 2008 September 15 |
Talk |
Energy estimates for space and time discretized
electro-reaction-diffusion systems
Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Biology, Le Havre, France, 2008 June 26 |
Talk |
Analysis of Spin-Polarized Drift-Diffusion Models
GAMM Annual Meeting 2008, Bremen, 2008 April 1 |
Talk |
Energy estimates for reaction-diffusion
processes of charged species
6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zürich, Switzerland, 2007 July 16 |
Talk |
Energy estimates for electro-reaction-diffusion
systems with partly fast kinetics
6th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Poitiers, France, 2006 June 27 |
Talk |
Energy models where the equations are defined on different domains
GAMM Annual Meeting 2006, Berlin 2006 March 29 |
Poster |
WIAS TeSCA: Simulation of semiconductor lasers
WIAS Berlin, 2006 March 16-17 |
Talk |
An application of the Implicit Function Theorem to
stationary energy models for semiconductor devices
International Workshop on Regularity for nonlinear and linear PDEs in nonsmooth domains, Universität Stuttgart, Hirschegg, Austria, 2005 Sept 5 |
Talk |
Stationary energy models for semiconductor devices
with incompletely ionized impurities
2nd Joint Meeting of AMS, DMV, ÖMG, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, 2005 June 19 |
Talk |
Stationary solutions of two-dimensional heterogeneous energy models with
multiple species near equilibrium
Conference on Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems, Bedlewo, Poland, 2003 Sept 10 |
Poster |
Heterogeneous pair diffusion models
WIAS Berlin, 2003 Jul 3-4 |
Poster |
WIAS-TeSCA applications: Laser diodes
WIAS Berlin, 2003 Jul 3-4 |
Poster |
Pair diffusion models
WIAS Berlin 2001 |
Talk |
On energy estimates for
electro-reaction-diffusion systems involving fast reactions
Symposium on Trends in Nonlinear Analysis, Heidelberg, 2000 Oct 9 |
Talk |
Electro-reaction-diffusion systems in heterostructures
International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin, 1998 Aug 19 |
Poster |
Modelling and simulation in the technology of power devices
International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin 1998 |
Poster |
Modelling and simulation of power devices
for high voltage integrated circuits BMBF-Mathematikprogramm 1997-2000 Statusseminar Frankfurt(Main) 2000 Statusseminar Erlangen 1999 Statusseminar Heidelberg 1997 |
Poster |
Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen in Heterostrukturen mit
Anwendungen in der Halbleitertechnologie BMBF-Mathematikprogramm 1994-1996 Statusseminar Heidelberg 1997 Statusseminar München 1995 |