Workshop: Mathematical models for biological multi-scale systems

Invited talk

The chemical diffusion master equation: A probabilistic framework for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics

Stefanie Winkelmann

 Mon, 11:30 ! Livein  Erhard-Schmidt-Hallfor  40min

The modeling and simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes is a topic of steady interest that is approached with a wide range of methods. For the highly resolved level of particle-based dynamics there exist comprehensive numerical simulation schemes, while the corresponding mathematical formalization is not yet fully developed. In this talk, I will present the chemical diffusion master equation which describes the probabilistic dynamics of reaction-diffusion systems at the particle level. It consists of an infinite hierarchy of Fokker–Planck equations coupled by reaction operators, and it serves as the foundation to derive more coarse-grained descriptions of reaction-diffusion dynamics.

 Overview  Program