Workshop: Mathematical models for biological multi-scale systems

Invited talk

Multi-scale and multi-method modeling of gene and cell cycle regulation in caulobacter crescentus

Ralf Blossey

 Mon, 10:00 ! Livein  Erhard-Schmidt-Hallfor  40min

Caulobacter crescentus is a model organism in microbiology because of its life style: this bacterium has a cell cycle consisting of a change from mobile to immmobile back to mobile cells. Many aspects of the regulation of their genes and their role in the progression of the cell cycle have been studied experimentally and modelled mathematically. In this talk I use this model organism to discuss the dynamics of gene and protein circuits and the cell-cycle oscillator and will illustrate several aspects of multi-scale and multi-method modeling, among them the use of deterministic ordinary differential equations, methods from nonlinear dynamics, stochastic modeling and process calculi.

 Overview  Program