Event |
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MMS Science Slam |
Poster Session |
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The Leibniz Research Network "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation" organizes the eighth Leibniz MMS Days which will be hosted by the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW).
The Workshop event aims to further develop MMS networking activities, presenting ongoing work using modern methods of MMS, and creates a plattform for discussion on topics of specific and general interest.
For information on previous workshops of this kind (such as the MMS Days 2024), we refer to the event archive of our network webspace.
Key Note Speakers
- Leon Bergen (University of California San Diego, US): Mapping Scientific Knowledge: New Tools for Literature Understanding
- Frans van der Meer (TU Delft, NL): Data-driven multiscale analysis of the non-linear response of composite materials
- Sarah Neuwirth (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz): Advancing Scientific Computing through Research Software Competencies and Data-Driven HPC
The workshop features contributions and discussions on:
- MMS related topics at large (with presumed focuses on the topics specified below; however, basically any MMS-related topic is feasibble and hence the actual focus topics will only be determined once the contributions are known),
- Research Software and Data Infrastructures,
- Research Data, Reproducibility, Open Science,
In addition to plenary sessions of a more generally comprehensible character, special parallel workshops ara planned on topics as
The final arrangement of the Specific Sessions depends on the contributions that are finally submitted and accepted.Important Dates and Information
- Deadline for registration and submission of contributions is February 4, 2025.
General Schedule
The talks will be scheduled from Wednesday (26 March 2025) midday until Friday (28 March 2025) around noon.
A poster session will be held on Wednesday evening.
A conference dinner will be organized on Thursday evening.
Scientific Board
- Anton Benz (ZAS Berlin)
- Anja Eggert (FBN Dummerstorf)
- Miro Duhovic (IVW Kaiserslautern)
- Ulf Gräwe (IOW Warnemünde)
- Denis Korolev (WIAS Berlin)
- Wolfram Miller (IKZ Berlin)
- Jan Philipp Thiele (WIAS Berlin)
- Stefan Zahn (IOM Leipzig)
Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
Seestr. 15
18119 Rostock
Phone: +49 381 5197-358