ALEX 2018 Workshop: Abstracts

Quantitative homogenization in nonlinear elasticity

Stefan Neukamm and Mathias Schäffner

Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Mathematics (Germany)

We consider a nonlinear elastic composite with a periodic microstructure described by the nonconvex energy functional


It is well-known that under suitable growth conditions the energy Γ-converges to a homogenized functional with a homogenized energy density Whom. One of the main problems in homogenization of nonlinear elasticity is that long-wavelength buckling prevents the possibility of homogenization by averaging over a single period cell, and thus Whom is in general given by an infinite-cell formula. Under appropriate assumptions on W (frame indifference, minimality at identity, non-degeneracy) and on the microstructure (e.g., a piecewise constant composite with smooth inclusions that might touch), we show that in a neighbourhood of rotations Whom is characterized by a single-cell homogenization formula. In particular, we prove that correctors are available — a property that we exploit to derive a quantitative two-scale expansion and uniform Lipschitz estimates for minimizers. The presentation is based on [1] and work in progress.

Acknowledgments: The study was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the context of TU Dresden’s Institutional Strategy “The Synergetic University” .


  • 1 S. Neukamm and M. Schäffner, Quantitative homogenization in nonlinear elasticity for small loads, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. (online first, 2018).