
I am currently a post-doc in Benedikt Jahnel's group Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks at Wias Berlin. My main area of interest is probability theory; especially spatial stochastic, complex networks and percolation. I did my PhD under the supervision of Peter Mörters at the University of Cologne.
I did my Master's in mathematics in 2018 and my Bachelor's in business mathematics in 2014 at University of Cologne.

Published Papers and Preprints

Conference Proceedings

Upcoming talks

Past talks


Current semester:

Versicherungsmathematik, TU Berlin

Former semesters:

  • Statistische Mechanik
  • Seminar "Punktprozesse"
  • Mathematik für Lehramtsstudierende I & II
  • Stochastische Finanzmathematik
  • Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie I & II
  • Einführung in die Stochastik
  • Markovprozesse
  • Lineare Algebra I & II