Sustainable Copyright Ecosystems for DML

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Moderators: Stephen Watt and Victoria Stodden

There are two major copyright issues that arise when thinking about a Digital Mathematics Library, and both can be prohibitive barriers if not addressed comprehensively. The first concerns the copyright that attaches to documents that one may wish to include in such a database, and is relatively well understood.

The second, which has received less attention, is about copyright (and potentially other intellectual property rights) that would adhere to manipulation, such as digitization, of the underlying mathematical library. An example would be the ownership adhering to, say, a third-party wrapper that restructures the mathematical database to provide a slicker web presentation. This type of "capture" could be enabled, disabled, or conditionally facilitated depending on terms of use and the access structure the DML adopts for interaction with third parties.

Finally, we must address these issues in a context that recognizes the needs of multiple stakeholders with vastly different views on intellectual property management. Some users have full access to a wide set of commerical digital libraries while others are strictly limited to free resources. Concentrating exclusively one of these would fail to serve the other.

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