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Wochenplan vom 21. - 25. Juni 2004

Dienstag, 22.6.2004, 9.45 Uhr (Raum 406)[*]
Prof. V. Spokoiny / Dr. J. Schoenmakers
Dr. Ch. Bender, WIAS:
No-arbitrage pricing theory: A critical revisit

Dienstag, 22.6.2004, 15.15 Uhr (FU)[*]
FG Dr. K. Schneider
Dr. S. Day, Vrije Universiteit:
Conley index techniques for global dynamics: A study of the Swift-Hohenberg equation

Mittwoch, 23.6.2004, 10.00 Uhr (ESH)[*]
FG Prof. V. Spokoiny
Prof. V. Spokoiny, WIAS:
Varying coefficient GARCH-Modeling

Mittwoch, 19.7.2000, FG Prof. H. Gajewski, (ESH)[*]
14.00 Uhr:
Prof. S. Zheng, Fudan University Shanghai
On the Cahn-Hilliard equations with dynamic boundary conditions
15.15 Uhr:
Prof. X. Ren, Utah State University
On the mathematical aspects of the Ohta-Kawasaki diblock copolymer theory

Mittwoch, 23.6.2004, 17.15 Uhr (TUB)[*]
FG Prof. A. Bovier
R. Ellis, University of Massachusetts Amherst:
Global optimization, generalized canonical ensembles, and universal ensemble equivalence

Donnerstag, 24.6.2004, 10.30 Uhr (Raum 406)[*]
FG Dr. K. Schneider
Dr. S. Yanchuk:
Properties of stationary states of delay equations with large delay and applications to laser dynamics

Donnerstag, 24.6.2004, 14.00 Uhr (ESH)[*]
FG Prof. E. Bänsch
M. Lipinski, Ruhr-Universität Bochum:
Two a posteriori error estimators for a saddle-point formulation of the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions

Donnerstag, 24.6.2004, 16.15 Uhr (ESH)[*]
FG Dr. K. Schneider
O. Ushakov, HU:
Impact of external noise on self-pulsating lasers

Freitag, 25.6.2004, 9.30 Uhr (Raum 406)[*]
FG Prof. H. Gajewski
Prof. A. Yagi, Osaka University:
Exponential attractors and pattern formation for chemotaxis-growth system


(ESH): WIAS, 10117 Berlin, Mohrenstr. 39, Erhard-Schmidt-Hörsaal im Erdgeschoss

(Raum 406): WIAS, 10117 Berlin, Mohrenstr. 39, Weierstraß-Hörsaal in der 4. Etage

(FU): FU, 14195 Berlin, Arnimallee 2-6, Seminarraum 108/109

(TUB): TU, 10623 Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, Raum MA 749

Marion Lawrenz