Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers 2023 - Abstract

Himona, Georgia

Time crystals, phase response and complex synchronization dynamics of externally modulated optically injected semiconductor lasers

Optically Injected Semiconductor Lasers (OISLs) are well-known for their ability to produce robust self-sustained oscillations (limit cycles) with multi-harmonic spectral content as well as a rich set of complex dynamical features making them suitable for use in a variety of cutting-edge applications. The timing properties of limit cycles can be captured by the concepts of isochrons, phase response and time crystal, originally introduced in the context of mathematical biology. By using these notions, an efficient reduction of the original system can be achieved, and the effect of periodic external stimulations can be studied through the resulting one-dimensional circle map. The effect of periodic stimulations in the form of a time (and frequency) comb, corresponding to either Dirac delta impulses or finite-time pulse stimulations, on both the current of the slave laser and the amplitude of the injected wave field is investigated. The overall phase response of the system under these modulations can be described by the associated time crystal, whose form ?dictated by the isochrons? structure? suggests a parametric modification of the input frequency comb to achieve desirable output ranging from continuous to discrete frequency spectra. Thus, conditions for resonant synchronization resulting in desirable outputs of the original nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations can be accurately obtained towards potential practical applications related to nonlinear filtering effects and photonic signal-processing units.