1st Leibniz MMS Days - Abstract
Radziunas, Mindaugas
Multisection, ring, and broad-area high-power semiconductor lasers are compact, cheap and reliable light sources in numerous technological applications such as high-speed optical telecommunications, material processing, precision metrology, spectroscopy, medicine, and sensor technology. A large variety of complex optoelectronic semiconductor components with different dynamical operation regimes, as well as an increasing amount of technological applications of these devices requires further development and improvement of mathematical models and methods for their study. This requires a close cooperation between engineers, theoretical and experimental physicists, and applied mathematicians. Such kind of cooperation should also lead to a deep theoretical understanding of various dynamic effects in laser devices, which is of crucial importance for a design of novel device configurations and concepts. Simulations and analysis of several laser devices investigated in the frame of externally funded cooperation projects with Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik will be briefly presented in this talk.