1st Leibniz MMS Days - Abstract

Runnwerth, Mila

Audiovisual research data in mathematics

The TIB AV-Portal is both a web-based platform for scientific videos and a laboratory for various approaches of audio / video analyses. Its focuses on the TIB's core subjects, including mathematics. Therein contained audiovisual research data comprises (numerical) simulations, visualisations, but also recorded presentations in its broadest sense. The different layers of information such as audio, text within a film, and other visual content contribute to a compact communication of research activities. The major challenges to exploit information embedded in mathematical films are "manifold": a) speech recognition with a highly specialised as well as formalised vocabulary, b) optical character recognition with respect to a science prone to handwritten presentations such as khan style videos or black boards, c) mapping the extracted information to an underlying ontology in order to establish a semantic search, and d) cross linking to parallel publications or supplementary research data. These are the main research areas of the TIB AV-Portal at the moment and in the near future.