1st Leibniz MMS Days - Abstract
Sperber, Wolfram
Today, mathematics especially Mathematical SoftWare (MSW) is inside all key technologies. But to find useful information about MSW is non-trivial. The reasons are diverse: MSW has a dynamic character; the spectrum of MSW is broad and contains packages, simulations, languages, services, but also benchmarks and research data; MSW is widely distributed; the information on MSW is heterogeneous, often sparse; etc. It is obvious to use indirect sources to get information on MSW, especially the mathematical literature. The swMATH service (swmath.org) has developed and successfully used a publication-based approach for implementing a comprehensive information service on MSW. Currently, swMATH covers more than 11,000 MSW entries and nearly 100,000 mathematical publications referencing MSW. Users find various information about each MSW. Currently the information is focused on the mathematical content of the software. The talk gives an overview on the concept and realization, the state of the art, and discusses some ideas for its further development.