1st Leibniz MMS Days - Abstract
Knoth, Oswald
Unstructured grids are in common for the next generation of global models for numerical weather prediction. In the first part of the talk I would like to give an overview of new efforts in this active area of code development and numerical research. The overview will focus on model formulation, grid structure as well as spatial discretization and time integration methods. The models include OLAM, ICON, MPAS, HOMME, the GungHo project, NUMA., and others. In the second part I will report on my own experiences in this area, where I tried to have different grid structures and numerical methods in one code coupled with the same physical parameterizations like surface fluxes, turbulence and phase transfer processes between different water types in the atmosphere. In the code ASAMunstructured the conservative form of the compressible equations are discretized in space by a mixture of finite volumes and finite differences coupled with a zoo of temporal integration methods. Numerical examples from the DCMIP case suite will illustrate the benefits and shortcomings of the actual implementation.