Electromagnetics - Modelling, Simulation, Control and Industrial Applications - Abstract

Stamm, Benjamin

Certified Reduced Basis Method for the electric field integral equation

This talk gives an overview of the certified Reduced Basis Method applied to parametrized PEC scattering problems. We give a mathematical background of the model reduction by the reduced basis method where an efficient input/output reduced order model is developed. More precisely, we consider the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) under variation of a set of parameters consisting the wave-number, wave-direction and the polarization of the incident plane wave. In the framework of the input/output procedure, for any in parameter value (input) we are interested in the radar cross section (RCS, output). In addition, the reduced order model is trustable as we develop it a posteriori estimates to certify the error committed by the model order reduction for both the electric current and the RCS.