TetGen example: Heart

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The input surface mesh, 3588 nodes, 7620 triangles.

A cut through of the input surface mesh shows the internal boundary.

The final mesh, 75006 nodes, 332544 tetrahedra, and 90878 boundary faces.

Algorithmic Informations

Constructing Delaunay tetrahedrization.
  Total flips: 110901, where T23 59182, T32 51719, T22 0, T44 0
Delaunay seconds:  1.46
Perturbing vertices.
  0 break points are inserted.
Delaunizing segments.
  3609 protect points are inserted.
Constraining facets.
  The biggest cavity: 28 faces, 16 vertices
  Enlarged 0 times
Segment and facet seconds:  1.66
Removing unwanted tetrahedra.
Hole seconds:  0.04
Removing degenerate tets.
  0 degeneracies are removed.
Repair seconds:  0.01
Adding Steiner points to enforce quality.
  Marking sharp subfaces.
  931 subfaces have been marked.
  Marking skinny subfaces.
  3342 subfaces have been marked.
  Splitting encroached subsegments.
  20504 points are inserted.
  Splitting encroached subfaces.
  10032 points are inserted.
  Splitting bad tetrahedra.
  37255 points are inserted.
  Removing slivers.
  1662 slivers are removed.
  8 sliver(s) survived.
  18 points are inserted.
  Total 67809 points are inserted.
Quality seconds:  70.02

Quality Mesh Statistics

  Input points: 3588
  Input facets: 7620
  Input holes: 0
  Input regions: 0
  Mesh points: 75006
  Mesh tetrahedra: 332544
  Mesh faces: 705850
  Mesh subfaces: 90878
  Mesh subsegments: 45140
Mesh quality statistics:
  Smallest volume:       2.9397e-28   |  Largest volume:           4.9973
  Shortest edge:         8.0863e-10   |  Longest edge:              4.813
  Smallest dihedral:        0.36769   |  Largest dihedral:       178.8869
  Radius-edge ratio histogram:
         < 0.707     :      2800      |    1.6 - 1.8        :     25496
   0.707 - 1         :     86086      |    1.8 - 2          :     11877
       1 - 1.1       :     41607      |      2 - 2.5        :      3565
     1.1 - 1.2       :     40481      |    2.5 - 3          :      1924
     1.2 - 1.4       :     68675      |      3 - 10         :      4257
     1.4 - 1.6       :     45319      |     10 -            :       457
  (A tetrahedron's radius-edge ratio is its radius of circumsphere divided
    by its shortest edge length)
  Aspect ratio histogram:
  1.1547 - 1.5       :         0      |     15 - 25         :      5057
     1.5 - 2         :         0      |     25 - 50         :      1085
       2 - 2.5       :         2      |     50 - 100        :       168
     2.5 - 3         :      6166      |    100 - 300        :        60
       3 - 4         :     75412      |    300 - 1000       :         6
       4 - 6         :    179302      |   1000 - 10000      :         0
       6 - 10        :     54739      |  10000 - 100000     :         0
      10 - 15        :     10547      | 100000 -            :         0
  (A tetrahedron's aspect ratio is its longest edge length divided by the
    diameter of its inscribed sphere)
  Dihedral Angle histogram:
       0 - 10 degrees:      7416      |     90 - 100 degrees:     61491
      10 - 20 degrees:     30589      |    100 - 110 degrees:     76492
      20 - 30 degrees:     79681      |    110 - 120 degrees:     64063
      30 - 40 degrees:     98346      |    120 - 130 degrees:     39591
      40 - 50 degrees:     74872      |    130 - 140 degrees:     24431
      50 - 60 degrees:     37113      |    140 - 150 degrees:     15287
      60 - 70 degrees:      4527      |    150 - 160 degrees:      9344
      70 - 80 degrees:      2013      |    160 - 170 degrees:      5637
      80 - 90 degrees:     33984      |    170 - 180 degrees:       211

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