Ya-xiang Yuan: Position Statement

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Digital mathematics materials can play an even more important roles in developing countries than in developped countries. Mathematicians from developing countries have difficulties(due to financial constraints and visa-application procedures) to travel abroad for attending academic conferences. They are normally short of funding to subscribe international mathematics journals which are very expensive. Thus, providing free access to digital mathematics books and journals to mathematicians from developing countries will help them significantly.

Thus, I hope very much that mathematicians from developing countries can have free access to all the materials in the DML, or at least at the expense that they can afford.

Some developing countries (such as Eypt, India and China) have many valuable ancient mathematics materials, which should be recorded and preserved in digital form. Such materials should be indispensable parts of the DML, as such ancient documents are important not only in the view of the history of mathematics but also in the view of ancient cultures.

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