Minutes of the Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC) meeting
Providence, Rhode Island
November 2-4, 2007

Attending: John Ball, Jonathan Borwein (chair), Michael Doob, David Eisenbud, John Ewing, Ulf Rehmann, Alf van der Poorten.
Regrets: none.

Session 1: Friday Afternoon

A quick review and discussion of the changing role of the CEIC took place. The history of this committee has had three phases: There was a further discussion of transition issues for the CEIC:

Session 2: Saturday Morning

There was an extensive discussion about the digitization of earlier IMU proceedings. Archiving (traditional and electronic) material. The following are recommended: It seems that ICMI/ICME is having copyright problems.
There was general agreement that the "IMU on the web" pages have been quite successful. Alf has been able to publish various interesting documents that have come his way. It was noted that the Electronic World Directory of Mathematicians (EWDE) has about 1500 entries and could use some publicity, as could the FWDM. There was no substantive response from the letter sent to ICSU concerning intellectual property rights. Perhaps the issue can be brought up at their November 2008 ISCU GA.

Session 3: Saturday Afternoon

Ulf reported on the items referred to on his Digital Mathematical Library page. Most have public access, but there is not much mirroring. The AMS runs a parallel page with journals only. Both are well maintained.
Various other digitization initiatives were discussed. John Ewing discussed the emerging trends on the use of impact factors. A report will be forwarded to the EC next year.
It was noted that Scoap project (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) seems to have little direct relevance to the mathematical community. Still, it is an interesting project and might be worthy of an article in the "IMU on the web" pages.
The change of venue of Topology and K-Theory from Springer to Cambridge University Press was discussed.
There has been an increase in spam from organizers of conferences whose raison d'ĂȘtre is to make money rather than presenting papers of mathematical merit. Perhaps CEIC should warn the naive.
The committee partitioned itself to work on drafts:

Session 4: Sunday Morning

The final revisions were made to the following documents: Respectfully submitted
Michael Doob
November 13, 2007

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