Nonlinear Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers - Abstract

Masoller, Cristina

Rogue waves in optically injected lasers: Origin, predictability and suppression

Rogue waves are devastating extreme events that occur in many natural systems and a lot of work has focused on predicting and understanding their origin. In optically injected semiconductor lasers rogue waves are rare ultra-high pulses that sporadically occur in the laser chaotic output intensity. I will show that these optical rogue waves can be predicted with long anticipation time, that they are generated by a crisis-like process, and that noise can be employed to either enhance or suppress their probability of occurrence. Co-authors of this work are Jordi Zamora-Munt, Bruno Garbin, Stephane Barland, Massimo Giudici, Jose R. Rios Leite and Jorge R. Tredicce